Le 08/10/2014 01:52, Jiri Hladky a écrit :
> 2) I have also some trouble with symlinks. The trouble is this:
>   * when installed with ./configure && make && make install
>     then hwloc-ls is symlink to lstopo-no-graphics and man pages
>     { lstopo-no-graphics.1, hwloc-ls.1 } are symlinks to lstopo.1
>   * I split the package into non-GUI dependent package and GUI
>     version. In GUI version I have lstopo binary, in plain version
>     just lstopo-no-graphics and  hwloc-ls links to it

We discussed the problem last week, I waited longer than usually before
releasing the final v1.10, but nobody asked for a fix. So there's no
problem, it's too late :)

The easiest fix for the desktop file would be to point to lstopo. I'll
switch the manpage and symlink names.


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