
We don't have PCI support on Windows unfortunately. And on non-Linux
platforms, you would have PCI devices without their locality, not really

The hwloc I/O doc says:
"Note that I/O discovery requires significant help from the operating
system. The pciaccess library (the development package is usually
|libpciaccess-devel| or |libpciaccess-dev|) is needed to fully detect
PCI devices and bridges, and the actual locality of these devices is
only currently detected on Linux. Also, some operating systems require
privileges for probing PCI devices, see Does hwloc require privileged
for details."

There's a ticket about I/O locality on Windows
(https://github.com/open-mpi/hwloc/issues/108). IIRC we need a recent
Windows to make this work, and I don't have any multisocket Windows
machine to test the code anyway :/


Le 06/01/2015 15:19, Uffe Jakobsen a écrit :
> Hello,
> Question: the hwloc binaries (1.10.0) for Windows found on the website
> does not output pci devices even when supplying "--whole-io" option.
> hwloc on both linux and freebsd produces the expected output - with
> pci devices.
> I haven't been able to find any info about reduced functionality in
> the Windows release of hwloc - it on purpose or an error ?
> PS: I'm new to hwloc - so bear with me if I'm asking an utterly stupid
> question here.
> Thanks in advance.
> /Uffe
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