Six Men Identified by FBI as Dead Hijackers are ALIVE

FBI Releases photographs of 19 suspected hijackers


WASHINGTON, DC, USA, 27 September 2001 (InfoTimes): U.S. Attorney
General John Ashcroft and U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Director Robert Mueller on Thursday released 19 photographs and a new
list of 19 individuals believed to be the hijackers of the four U.S.
airliners that crashed into the World Trade Center in New York, the
Pentagon in Virginia and in Stony Creek Township, Pennsylvania, USA, on
Tuesday, September 11, 2001.

However, at least six men identified by the FBI as dead hijackers are
still alive and the FBI list of 19 hijackers has become doubtful.

The FBI has requested the public's assistance in obtaining more
information about the 19 suspected hijackers. In its official press
release of September 27, FBI has pointed out: "It should be noted that
attempts to confirm the true identities of these [19] individuals are
still under way. The FBI asks anyone who has ever seen or has
information about these individuals to immediately contact the nearest
FBI office or the toll free hotline number 1-866-483-5137 or submit
information at ."

While launching "a national neighborhood watch" system on Thursday,
Attorney General Ashcroft said investigators have received over 100,000
tips. FBI Director Mueller said his Bureau has "over 200,000 leads we
are investigating."

Some of the names on the FBI new or second list of 19 hijackers have
slightly different spellings and additional names/aliases have been
added to it, compared to the first list released by the FBI on September
14, which was published in the Information Times.

"What we are currently doing is determining whether, when these
individuals came to the United States, these were their real names or
they changed their names for use with false identification in the United
States," said the FBI Director.

"We are working hard to identify and locate associates of the hijackers
who may pose a threat to this nation," Mueller said. "We are attempting
to identify any associates of the hijackers and trace their movements
within the United States, assuming they were still here, and overseas."

However, so far the FBI has not provided any legal evidence to the
American people to prove its former and current claims about the
identities of the 19 hijackers probably because the identities of at
least 6 of the 19 hijackers released September 14 by the FBI have been
challenged by people with the same or similar names.

Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal insisted on
September 20 that the FBI mistakenly identified at least 5 of the 19
hijackers. He said an investigation in Saudi Arabia showed that the 5
Saudi men were not aboard the four jetliners that crashed in New York,
Virginia and Pennsylvania on September 11. "It was proved that five of
the names included in the FBI list had nothing to do with what
happened," Al-Faisal told the Arabic Press in Washington after meeting
with U.S. President George W. Bush at the White House.

FBI Chief Robert Mueller admitted on September 20 and on September 27
that at this time the FBI has no legal proof to prove the true
identities of the suicidal hijackers. He said investigators think they
have identified "several" of the hijackers correctly, adding: "We have
several others that are still in question."

An official at the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Washington, DC recently
confirmed to the Orlando Sentinel the names of four of the men to whom
Al-Faisal referred on September 20, saying they are Saudis who are
"alive and well." He was not confident enough to confirm the fifth name.

The Saudi Embassy source said the FBI should realize that the following
four Saudi men are victims of mistaken or stolen
identity: Saeed Alghamdi, Mohald Alshehri, Abdulaziz Alomari and Salem
Alhamzi. Saudi Embassy official said someone stole Alomari's identity
after he lost his passport while studying in Denver, Colorado.

Khalid Al-Midhar or Khalid Almihdhar, a "possible Saudi national" listed
in the FBI first and second lists of 19 hijackers, is also still
"ALIVE", according to another FBI list of 21 hijackers sent to various
banks across the USA.

Waleed Alshehri, a native of Saudi Arabia and a graduate of a Florida
flight school who was originally named as one of the 19 hijackers in the
FBI first list, is living in Casablanca and training with a Moroccan
airline, an official of the Royal Air Moroc said Saturday, according to
an AP news story of September 22. "On Friday, officials at Embry-Riddle
Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach said the FBI told school
officials that the real Waleed Alshehri is alive and talked to U.S.
officials in Morocco earlier this week," the AP reported from Rabat,

"We are very pleased that our Alshehri turned up alive and well, and
that the link between Alshehri and this despicable act has been proven
to be nonexistent," University President George H. Ebbs said last

The vital, mysterious and extremely complicated issue of six alive
hijackers is not the only major problem with the FBI information and
intelligence. The FBI first list of 19 hijackers includes 7 pilots, but
the FBI second list of 19 hijackers includes only 6 pilots. The first
list stated that Hani Hanjour is "believed to be a pilot," but the
second list does not identify Hani Hanjour and four other suspected
hijackers of American Airlines flight #77 as pilots. If Hanjour is no
longer "believed to be a pilot," then who crashed the American Airlines
flight #77 into the Pentagon, the U.S. military headquarters, at "9:39
a.m." on Bloody Tuesday?

Another critical problem with the FBI second list is that it identifies
8 possible citizens or nationals of Saudi Arabia and one possible
national or citizen of Egypt as hijackers, but instead of launching the
Bush Crusade against Saudi Arabia and Egypt, the U.S. military is
preparing to attack Afghanistan after wrongly ignoring the fact that the
FBI list of 19 hijackers does not include even one Afghani or Talebani

Because the FBI itself has finally pointed out that "attempts to confirm
the true identities of these [19] individuals [or hijackers] are still
under way," therefore, this official FBI statement also calls into
question whether the FBI will ever know the real identities of some or
all of the 19 men accused of hijacking the four U.S. airplanes and
killing about 6,000 "citizens of 80 nations" at the World Trade Center,
the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania.

Following is the FBI new or second list of 19 suspected


- 8:10 a.m. Departed Washington Dulles for Los Angeles
- 9:39 a.m. Crashed into the Pentagon

1) KHALID ALMIHDHAR - Possible Saudi national
- Possible resident of San Diego, California, and New York
- Alias: Sannan Al-Makki; Khalid Bin Muhammad; Addallah Al-Mihdhar;
Khalid Mohammad Al-Saqaf

2) MAJED MOQED - Possible Saudi national
- Alias: Majed M.GH Moqed; Majed Moqed; Majed Mashaan Moqed

3) NAWAF ALHAZMI - Possible Saudi national
- Possible resident of Fort Lee, New Jersey; Wayne, New Jersey; San
Diego, California
- Alias: Nawaf Al-Hazmi; Nawaf Al Hazmi; Nawaf M.S. Al Hazmi

4) SALEM ALHAZMI - Possible Saudi national
- Possible resident of Fort Lee, New Jersey; Wayne, New Jersey

- Possible resident of Phoenix, Arizona, and San Diego, California
- Alias: Hani Saleh Hanjour; Hani Saleh; Hani Hanjour; Hani Saleh H.


- 7:45 a.m. Departed Boston for Los Angeles
- 8:45 a.m. Crashed into North Tower of the World Trade Center

1) SATAM M.A. AL SUQAMI - Possible Saudi national
- Dates of birth used: June 28, 1976; Last known address: United Arab

2) WALEED M. ALSHEHRI - Possible Saudi national
- Dates of birth used: September 13, 1974; January 1, 1976; March 3,
1976; July 8, 1977; December 20, 1978; May 11, 1979; November 5, 1979
- Possible residence(s): Hollywood, Florida; Orlando, Florida; Daytona
Beach, Florida
- Believed to be a PILOT

- Date of birth used: September 1, 1968
- Possible residence(s): Hollywood, Florida; Newton, Massachusetts
- Believed to be a PILOT

4) MOHAMED ATTA - Possible Egyptian national
- Date of birth used: September 1, 1968
- Possible residence(s): Hollywood, Florida; Coral Springs, Florida;
Hamburg, Germany
- Believed to be a PILOT
- Alias: Mehan Atta; Mohammad El Amir; Muhammad Atta; Mohamed El Sayed;
Mohamed Elsayed; Muhammad Muhammad Al Amir Awag Al Sayyid Atta; Muhammad
Muhammad Al-Amir Awad Al Sayad

5) ABDULAZIZ ALOMARI - Possible Saudi national
- Dates of birth used: December 24, 1972 and May 28, 1979
- Possible residence(s): Hollywood, Florida
- Believed to be a PILOT


- 7:58 a.m. Departed Boston for Los Angeles
- 9:05 a.m. Crashed into South Tower of the World Trade Center

- Date of birth used: May 9, 1978
- Possible residence(s): Hollywood, Florida
- Believed to be a PILOT
- Alias: Marwan Yusif Muhammad Rashid Al-Shehi; Marwan Yusif Muhammad
Rashid Lakrab Al-Shihhi; Abu Abdullah

- Possible residence(s): Delray Beach, Florida
- Alias: Fayez Ahmad; Banihammad Fayez Abu Dhabi Banihammad; Fayez
Rashid Ahmed; Banihammad Fayez; Rasid Ahmed Hassen Alqadi; Abu Dhabi
Banihammad Ahmed Fayez; Faez Ahmed

- Alias: Ahmed Salah Alghamdi

- Possible residence(s): Delray Beach, Florida
- Alias: Hamza Al-Ghamdi; Hamza Ghamdi; Hamzah Alghamdi;
Hamza Alghamdi Saleh

- Possible residence(s): Delray Beach, Florida
- Alias: Mohammed Alshehhi; Mohamd Alshehri; Mohald Alshehri


- 8:42 a.m. [8:01 a.m. FBI Sept. 14 Time] Departed Newark, New Jersey,
for San Francisco
- 10:03 a.m. [10:10 a.m. FBI Sept. 14 Time] Crashed in Stony Creek
Township, Pennsylvania

- Possible residence: Delray Beach, Florida
- Alias: Abdul Rahman Saed Alghamdi; Ali S Alghamdi; Al-Gamdi; Saad M.S.
Al Ghamdi; Sadda Al Ghamdi; Saheed Al-Ghamdi; Seed Al Ghamdi

2) AHMED IBRAHIM A. AL HAZNAWI - Possible Saudi national
- Date of birth used: October 11, 1980
- Possible residence: Delray Beach, Florida
- Alias: Ahmed Alhaznawi

- Possible residence: Delray Beach, Florida
- Alias: Ali Ahmed Alnami; Ahmed A. Al-Nami; Ahmed Al- Nawi

- Believed to be a PILOT
- Alias: Zaid Jarrahi; Zaid Samr Jarrah; Ziad S. Jarrah; Ziad Jarrah
Jarrat; Ziad Samir Jarrahi

[INFOTIMES EDITOR's NOTE: This is the InfoTimes special exclusive news
report published in the Information Times on Friday, September 28, 2001
at 12:45 a.m. (Washington, DC Times.)]

[Syed Adeeb is an American investigative journalist based in the
Washington area.]


Six Men Identified by FBI as Dead Hijackers are ALIVE


'Suicide Hijacker' is an Airline Pilot Alive and Well in Jeddah

[Publisher: Information Times
America's international daily Internet newspaper
Chief Editor: Syed Adeeb - Washington, DC, U.S.A.
Copyright C 2001 Information Times. All Rights Reserved.]


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