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Anatomy of propaganda

How Slobodan Milosevic

was framed

 by Francisco J. Gil-White  




In April 2001, a story broke making the following allegations: (1) the Yugoslav army had massacred Albanian civilians; (2) their bodies were driven away in a refrigerator truck which was then supposedly dumped into the Danube, deep inside Serbia. In short notice this story became an enormous international “scandal,” and the allegations evolved and multiplied until we were talking about whole convoys of trucks, all of them supposedly full of massacred Albanian victims, and supposedly spirited out of Kosovo and hidden in Serbia, out of the view of The Hague tribunal investigators.

The hysteria in the Western (and some of the Serbian) media surrounding these allegations was responsible for building support among the public for the illegal abduction of Slobodan Milosevic and his subsequent shipping to The Hague. Given the important role it played, it is remarkable that there is absolutely no substance to the story.

In this piece I promise to do the following:

1)  Give you a synopsis of what the story became, and an analysis of its surface plausibility, just on its own terms.

2)  Give you a blow-by-blow chronology of how the story evolved in the media, and how it grew and grew in spite of the fact that no evidence was ever added to the original “evidence,” which turns out to be no evidence at all, as I will show.

3)  Demonstrate that, not only is there no substance to the accusations against Slobodan Milosevic, but that these accusations have been part of an organized plot to frame Milosevic for war crimes in order to send him to The Hague in time to get a billion dollars from the United States and also to neutralize the pro-Milosevic opposition that has been a nuisance to the new government in Belgrade, which government the United States helped install with considerable effort and expenditure.

I will be happy to hear from anybody who does not find my refutations sufficiently convincing.

CONTINUE: http://www.psych.upenn.edu/~fjgil/Trucks.htm

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