\o/ \o/~~~~~~~~(((( Hidup oleh Roh, Dipimpin oleh Roh, Gal.5:25 ))))~~~~~~~\o/ 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: pttwr 
Sent: Monday, July 06, 2009 2:48 PM
Subject: please, take a look and weep

From: james widodo 

please, take a look and weep

Islam will overwhelm Christendom unless Christians recognize the demographic 
realities, begin reproducing again, and share the gospel with Muslims. 

Menurut riset, sebuah culture untuk maintain itself for more than 25 years 
required fertility rate 2.11 children per family. If 1.9=never reversed, 
1.3=impossible to reverse because it takes 80-100 years to correct itself.
Fertility rate in
France 1.8
England 1.6 
Greece 1.3 
Germany 1.3
Italy 1.2 
Spain 1.1
31 European countries=1.38

Jumlah penduduk eropa tidak berkurang karena imigrasi, Islamic immigration 
sejak 1990, imigrasi ke eropa sebagian besar adalah penduduk muslm. 
Pertumbuhan penduduk: 
Bule france 1.8, imigran muslim 8.1. in southern france, traditionally most 
populated church in the region, now more mosque than church. 
30% of children age 20 and younger are Islamic. Di kota besar seperti marsaille 
dan paris= 45%. By 2027, 1 of 5  will Moslem. In 39 years france will be 
Islamic republic.
In the last 30 years, islam in UK from 82.000 jadi 2.5 juta, a thirty fold 
increase. Ada 1.000 new mosque, most of them are former church.
In Holland, 50% of new born are muslim. In the 15 years, half of the population 
will be muslim. 
In Russia, 23 juta penduduk islam, (20%). 40% tentaranya akan menjadi islam 
dalam beberapa tahun mendatang. 
Di belgia, 25% penduduk islam, 50% newborn are muslim. Pemerintah belgia 
memperkirakan 1/3 kelahiran bayi di eropa akan dilahirkan di keluarga muslim by 
Pemerintah jerman (birostatitik) menyatakan penurunan penduduk bule tidak dapat 
ditahan, its downward spiral is no longer reversible, it will be muslim state 
by 2050. 

Khadaffy: there are sign that Allah will grant victory to islam in Europe 
without swords, guns, without conquest. We don’t need terrorists, suicide 
bombers. The 50+ million Moslem in europe will turn it into a muslim continent 
within few decades. 
Currently there are 52 juta muslim in Europe, pemerintah german memperkirakan 
jumlah itu akan dobel in the next 20 years. 
Canada fatality rate is 1.6, islam adalah agama yang berkembang paling cepat.
2001-2006 populasi Canada bertambah 1.6 millions, 1.2 from muslim immigration.
In the USA, fertility rate is 1.6, with latino immigration become 2.11
1970 ada 100.000 muslim, 2008, lebih dari 9 juta muslim
The world is changing, It’s time to wake up!!!

3 years ago a meeting of  24 islamic strategy organizations in Chicago : the 
transcript in detail shows that their aim to ‘evangelize’ America through 
jurnalistik, politik, education, and more. The said: we must prepare ourselves 
for the reality that in 30 years there will be 50 million muslims living in 
Katolik church menyatakan bahwa islam telah melampaui jumlah umat katolik. Some 
study show that islam current rate of growth in 5 to 7 years will dominated 
religion of the world. 
What are we doing ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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