
> One question: the use of pc/[language code] will be the standard in
> XFree86 4.4?

If you are talking about [language code] for keyboard map name nothing is
changed there yet.  There were proposals discussed here for new keyboard maps
that implied name changes of some maps but that work still isn't complete.

If you mean the 'pc' directory for XKB symbols maps it's right too.  You see
that the maps in symbols/pc differ from ones in symbols directory.  The maps
were rewritten to allow combining them easy in one multi_layout keymap.  But
existent maps were left for compatibility and as a fallback for the case of
possible issues with new maps.  Thus 'old' maps are kept in symbols directory
and new maps are in symbols/pc.  (The name 'pc' was chosen because other vendor
keyboard maps have own directories and it would be right to place in the symbols
itself only pieces that are common for all maps.)

BTW. I added us(intl) submap (i.e. a variant of US keymap) making it similar
to "MS Windows US International keymap" as much as possible.  If one complain
on us_intl map you can suggest to try this new one. :)

 Ivan U. Pascal         |   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Administrator of     |   Tomsk State University
     University Network |       Tomsk, Russia
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