A brief purist's rant on keymaps and keysyms:

X11 keymaps were originally merely meant to represent what symbols are
printed/engraved on the keycaps of the keyboard hardware used (see
Appendix A of the X11 protocol specification).

Is the proposed Urdu keyboard layout already used by any keyboard
manufacturer, or is this forseen in the immediate future? Can you send
us a photo of a production prototype of that keyboard?

I am asking, because I doubt somewhat that either XFree86 or X.Org are
particularly interested in becoming a repository for "invisible
convenience keymaps" that are not actually reflecting the symbols
visible on real-world hardware. People can always configure such
convenience additions privately using xmodmap. Maintaining a repository
of personal convenience keymaps sounds like a very openended endeavor.

Perhaps, there should be a requirement to provide a high-resolution
photograph of a real keyboard along with each keymap that gets into the
X11 distribution? That would also simplify tremendously the
identification of which keymap belongs to which hardware, and it would
help us a bit at least to weed out all the non-existing phantasy


Markus Kuhn, Computer Lab, Univ of Cambridge, GB
http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ | __oo_O..O_oo__

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