Changed milestone "Adopt data models as WG document", set due date to
February 2016 from July 2016.

Changed milestone "Adopt IANA registry consideration as WG document",
set due date to April 2016 from October 2016.

Changed milestone "WG decides whether to progress adopted drafts for
publication as RFCs (use cases, framework, information model, and
examination of existing secure communication mechanisms) ", resolved
as "Done".

Changed milestone "Adopt info model as WG document (if desired)", set
due date to November 2016 from June 2016.

Changed milestone "Adopt examination of existing secure communication
mechanisms as WG document", set due date to December 2016 from June

Changed milestone "Adopt applicability statements as WG Document", set
due date to April 2017 from August 2016.

Changed milestone "Data Models and Applicability Statements to IESG
for publication", set due date to October 2017 from April 2017.

Changed milestone " Working group re-charter or close", set due date
to December 2017 from October 2017.


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