
This review should count as WG chair review and also getting ahead on the
document shepherd review.

All of my comments are pretty minor.

Thanks for the work,


idnits shows up some issues with references. At first glance, these all
seem to be real problems. Note that the reference cited in Section 10 is
not picked up by idnits, but still needs to be sorted out.



"DC" is used in the Introduction without expansion.
OTOH, once explained in section 2, it is not used again.


Section 2
I2NSF s/interface/Interface/


Section 2.
I think your definition is semantically equivalent to what we have in
our charter, but I would feel more comfortable if you matched the
wording. Is that OK?
  A Network Security Function (NSF) is a function used to ensure
  integrity, confidentiality, or availability of network communications,
  to detect unwanted network activity, or to block or at least mitigate
  the effects of unwanted activity.


Section 2 includes "VNFPool" but the term (and the concept) is not used
in the rest of the document.


Section 3

You have...
   There is currently no standard mechanism to capture
   those requirements.
This could be enhanced by saying whether it is the objective of the
I2NSF work to address this absence.

(similar in 3.1.6, 3.2.3, and 3.5)

By the way do you mean "address these requirements", or perhaps
"express those requirements for communication between the customer and


You have used a number of terms without expansion.


   What is needed is a standardized interface to control and monitor the
   rule sets that NSFs use to treat packets traversing through.
   What is needed is a standardized interface to control and monitor the
   rule sets that NSFs use to treat packets that traverse them.


   Since no widely accepted industry standard security interface exists
   today, management of NSFs (device and policy provisioning,
   monitoring, etc.) tends to be bespoke security management offered by
   product vendors.

The term "security interface" hasn't been introduced, and I think you
mean "interface to security NSFs".



   The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) Network
   Function Virtualization (NFV) initiative

Do you have a reference for that?



   security policies to be enforced by distributed,
   virtual, and network security functions (vNSF).
   security policies to be enforced by distributed,
   virtual network security functions (vNSF).



   A vNSF has higher risk of failure, migrating, and state changes as
   their hosting VMs are being created, moved, or decommissioned.

I understand "migration" but I think it is a synonym for "moved"
"State change" seems to possibly be an effect of migration.
"Higher risk of failure" doesn't follow unless you are saying that a
VM infrastructure is fundamentally less stable than dedicated hardware.

In fact, I don't think I can get on board with this statement at all.

BTW, you need to expand "VM".


3.1.7 has "DOTS" without explanation or expansion


3.1.7 s/envelop/envelope/




3.1.9 para 1 has an additional close parentheses



Might be nice to indicate that DOTS, MILE, and SACM are working groups
responsible for documenting the guidelines you list.



   Customers may consume NSFs by multiple service providers.

"hosted by"? "provided by"?


3.2.2 Figure 1

It's not clear what "Picture:" means in the figure.

You should add an explicit reference to the figure from the text.



I think DDoS is not a security function. Maybe "DDoS mitigation"?



   Cyper Threat Alliance (CA, http://cyberthreatalliance.org/)

Can you turn the URL into a reference?



s/events somethings happen/events sometimes happen/


4.1 introduces some unexplained abbreviations



4.1 Figure 2
Need one more "-" in the Interface 1 arrow.


4.1 Page 15 para 1
line 1 s/client/clients/



s/consolidate them,/consolidate it,/


4.1 says...

   In order to achieve this, the security controller may collect
   security measurements and share them with an independent and trusted
   third party (via interface 1) in order to allow for attestation of
   NSF functions using the third party added information.

Does this mean that there is  need for an additional standard interface
between the client and this third party?


4.2 uses some terms without expansion:

vEPC (although maybe this is a typo?)


4.2 Figure 3

You need to make an explicit reference to the figure from the text.

I think the figure is trying to show a domain of influence for the
Management System. This component is not described in the text, and
the curvy line on the figure is also not describe.

Maybe this could be tidied up as...

            Customer   |    Access     |   PoP/Datacenter
                       |               | 
                       |               |      +--------+
                       |    ..................|Network |
                       |   :           |      |Operator|
       +-------------+ |   :   +----+  |      |Mgmt Sys|
       | Residential |-+---:---+vCPE+-----+   +--------+
       +-------------+ |   :   +----+  |   \     |   : 
                       |   :           |    \    |   :
        +----------+   |   :   +----+  |     +----+  :
        |Enterprise|---+---:---+ vPE+--+-----+ NSF|  :
        +----------+   |   :   +----+  |     +----+  :
                       |   :           |    /        :
            +--------+ |   :   +----+  |   /         :
            | Mobile |-+---:---+vEPC+-----+          :
            +--------+ |   :   +----+  |      Mgmt   :
                       |   :           |      Domain :
                       |   :.........................:
                       |               |       
                       |               | 

However, your text describes four "different access clients" including
Residential, Enterprise, Mobile, and Service Provider, while the figure
only shows three of these.


4.2 under "Mobile:"

  removing malicious programs such as Botnet, DDoS, and Malware.

Is DDoS a program?



You need to reference Figure 4 from the text.



s/need not only to secure/not only need to secure/


4.4 uses "VoLTE" without expansion.



s/this kind of attacks/these kinds of attack/



Please capitalise the section header.



You should expand PCI-DSS and HIPPA. You should also probably include 

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