On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 8:24 AM, Unmanifest D <unmanife...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi...I'm using i3 as a WM with Xephyr (as the Xserver). As I resize my main
> Xephyr window, I need to 'restart' i3 so that my applications resize
> themselves correctly. Is that expected or is it something else?
That is expected. i3 uses RandR for all sorts of “the available
outputs have changed” notifications, and nothing else. I think Xephyr
does not provide RandR.

Why do you use Xephyr in the first place? AIUI, Xephyr is intended to
be used by developers to test their applications, not by end users
running an actual window manager.

> From the i3 logs, it does appear that i3 is detecting a change in the size
> of the root window - I see a bunch of 'root geometry reply: (0, 0) xxxx X
> yyyy' messages. But my applications, don't automatically resize, until I do
> an i3 restart.
> $ i3 -v
> i3 version 4.8-32-g1842dda (2014-07-24, branch "master") © 2009-2014 Michael
> Stapelberg and contributors
> Thanks

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