The nagbar should _nag_ you, and obviously it accomplishes its
mission, since you are annoyed enough to write to this mailing list
:). Read: this is intentional.

On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 4:04 PM, grubernd <> wrote:
> hi..
> i found this a rather strange anachronism that the nagbar cant be navigated
> with the keyboard. or am i missing something here?
> is there a full HID support for i3-nagbar planned at some point?
> just for reference:
> since i am building a very simplified X11 enviroment only to be run
> occassionaly on top of a more or less automated headless box on simple
> hardware like raspberry pi or banana pi or similar: yes, i need and want to
> exit i3 without shutting down the box. also i want to get by with the least
> amount of extra tools.
> i have found an answer to what i am trying to do here:
> but dmenu doesn't support mouse navigation, doh.
> so i ended up writing a quick python script with a tk yes/no box for this.
> still, the anachronism stands: having a WM with full keyboard support,
> except for the nagbar.
> cheers,
> grubernd

Best regards,

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