On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 7:10 PM, Marco Hunsicker <i...@hunsicker.de> wrote:
> Hello Michael,
> thanks for your quick action.
>>> I'm running a somewhat unusual setup with 3 monitors in pivot mode. Total
>>> screen size is 3600x1920, but in order to be able to stretch my IDE
>>> across 2
>>> monitors I'm using the fake-outputs option to form just 2 workspaces:
>>>      fake-outputs 1200x1920+0+0,2400x1920+1200+0
>> This is the problem. There is a reason this option is not documented:
>> it’s not supported and not intended to be used at all. It exists for
>> our testsuite only.
>> Remove the fake-outputs option and the i3bar configuration will work.

Thinking about it again, perhaps what you are looking for are the
output names “fake-0”, “fake-1”, etc. Those are what i3bar will see
when you use fake-outputs.

> That's the answer I feared ;)
> I understand that this mode is not supported, but besides the i3bar glitch
> it works wonderful with said configuration and provides a great deal of
> flexibility with minimal effort.
> As I have a few applications that don't fit into just one workspace, having
> three independent workspaces would complicate application switching and
> especially startup.
> I guess the application switching could be solved with some scripting to
> keep workspaces in sync (or is there already support for this?).
> But at least Eclipse does not seem to be able restore a window configuration
> that has been split to different workspaces across sessions. Hm, maybe I
> could somehow automate the process of detaching and moving the different
> views as well.
> Still, would you be open to receive a patch to make i3bar work?
I’ll definitely not accept a patch that makes i3bar use non-fake
output names when using fake-outputs, as that defeats the entire
purpose. But see above, maybe you can make use of the fake output

> Anyway, thanks much for your feedback and for supporting a very useful piece
> of software. Have a great weekend.
> Cheers,
> Marco

Best regards,

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