i3 version 4.10.2 (2015-04-16, branch "4.10.2") © 2009-2014 Michael
Stapelberg and contributors

I recently switched to Arch and I'm bringing over my i3 dot files, etc.

Got a problem... I can't see to get my Gnome 3.16 settings working in
i3wm.  I haven't had a problem with my Debian (7 and Jessie Testing) and
Ubuntu (14.04 and 14.10) installs in the past.  But I've installed Arch on
two different machines, and on both I cannot get the gnome-settings-daemon
(or at least that's what I think it is) to enable my Gnome settings.

Specifically, I can't get my Gnome setting for Keyboard short delay and
faster repeat enabled.  I have not tried any other settings.

If it matters, I am running within VMware Workstation and Fusion.

My config looks like:

exec --no-startup-id /usr/bin/vmware-user-suid-wrapper
#exec --no-startup-id /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon
#exec --no-startup-id /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start
--components=pkcs11,secrets,ssh,gpg #
#exec --no-startup-id dropbox start
exec --no-startup-id compton -Cb --config ~/.i3/compton.conf # -CGb

So when logged in, I see:

$ ps aux | grep gnome-settings
gdm         897  0.0  0.3 820888 29796 tty1     Sl+  16:24   0:00

If I uncomment the gnome-settings-daemon one, it starts under my username
and loads a few other gnome services:

$ ps aux | grep gnome-settings
gdm         897  0.0  0.3 820888 29796 tty1     Sl+  16:24   0:00
eric       1049  0.0  0.6 915224 51304 ?        Sl   16:24   0:00
eric       1112  0.0  0.2 283984 18924 ?        Sl   16:24   0:00
eric       1114  0.0  0.1 433304 11408 ?        Sl   16:24   0:00

Sounds good, except no keyboard settings have taken effect.



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