I'm a teacher who still observing all this, but who is potentially
interested - if time ever permitted - in attempting such code
improvements / tinkering

Not being a python or linux type though, I found Walter's example

illuminating as to what sort of process / degree of difficulty / skill
set would be needed to do this

so for me at least, I'd see some real value in that sort of case study/
documentation ... (nice scaffold for teachers / newcomers)

my feeling, for what its worth, is that are only a very small percentage
(<1%) of teachers who would have the technical
confidence/background/interest to learn /apply this  (and maybe 0.01 %
would already possess the skills)   

Figures would be roughly the right order of magnitude I think
...although 1% is possibly on the generous side, here at least
1% of the numbers involved might be useful though; and distributed
community can still exist in that space

(and with kids the percentages might go up ... eg I could see a number
of my high school students getting involved, if it was accessible
enough...if they had cut their teeth on scratch / turtle / e-toys for
instance, and then had some pathway into the more textual programming /
admin needed do that... 

For what its worth 

> Walter,
> Essentially the same questions for you. Did that go the way you
> I get the impression you wanted teachers to modify the code
> Maybe you can elaborate on that. Perhaps you could have asked if
> wanted to learn how to do it.
> In the cycle of praxis, there's the action and the reflection. If
> done with the action on this one (still want to hear the final ack)
>   a little reflection may be in order until we pick the next small
> challenge.
> At the same time we can think about what tools work best to address
> these in the future. I didn't see the bug ID come through
> but I may have missed it. I assume IRC didn't work for Luis either...
> Thanks,
> Greg S

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