At Thu, 6 Nov 2008 22:54:38 +1100,
Costello, Rob R wrote:
> From outside this all looks as though it might suffer from being a little too 
> pedantic in adhering to definitional terms
> As an educator I know this software to be sweeter than most for teaching and 
> learning of say, introductory programming..
> The 'scratch' version is as sweet as anything for kids learning
> It feels as free and open as can be, in terms of what you can see and change 
> and modify
> I'm not any smalltalk talk programmer, but i get how you can access the 
> source code and make any change whatsoever at this level.. 
> Still...take this as wild comment from a technically naïve educator who is 
> biased towards what works for kids learning 

  You are right on.  Etoys is more open to users than most of other
systems.  It appears that knowing a particular way seems to hinder a
lot of people to consider other ways of doing stuff.  (Education, eh?)

-- Yoshiki
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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