---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Greg Lindstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 2:59 PM
Subject: [PyCon-Organizers] Teaching math using Python
To: pycon-organizers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Tutorial List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The tutorial committee worked this afternoon winnowing the tutorial
proposals from 49 down to 32 class slots.  One of the proposals,
"Teaching Mathematics using Python" (Kirby Urner/Steve Holden) is
formatted with Steve asking Kirby questions (with the audience
helping) about how to use Python the teach mathematics.  We thought
that most people that would want to see this -- middle and high school
teachers as well as University professors -- would be unable to attend
during the day.  We were wondering if, with Steve and Kirby's
permission, of course -- we could offer this as an evening session.
If we were to do this, it would not have to be done on a tutorial day,
either (but I'm getting ahead of myself).  Do any of you have thoughts
on this? If we were to offer it in the evening, how could we get the
word out to area schools/universities?  Would a Thursday/Friday be
better than a Tuesday or Wednesday?

Other than that, the decision process is going well.  We have a few
questions for some of the presenters which should go out tonight.  We
should be able to announce the lineup on schedule in early December.


PyCon-organizers mailing list

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