On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 03:17, Holger Levsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> as you might know or not, Debian lenny is frozen atm and new upstream versions
> are normally not allowed anymore to propagate from unstable (sid) to testing
> (lenny), which will become stable soon.
> Sadly, only sugar 0.81 is in Lenny atm.
> Do you think it's better to release Lenny with 0.81 sugar or without sugar at
> all? It doesnt really affect serious deployments, as one can always use
> backports.ort or other custom repositories, so I don't think a release
> without sugar would be as bad as it sounds at first.

On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 05:30, Sebastian Silva
> I for one really can't think how it would be useful to have 0.81
> packaged, at least for any deployment scenario I can think of - but
> having well tested 0.82 packages be part of Debian could be attractive
> for our "computer lab" kind of deployments (no extra packages to
> maintain locally, at least for now).
> Sebastian

I agree. Sugar 0.81 was an unstable development branch leading to the
0.82 stable release series, which had multiple point releases of most
Sugar components. The best version to package is the latest 0.82.x
release of each component, as found at

Since an additional repository would have to be used to get this on
lenny, it's probably best to not ship Sugar 0.81 at all unless you can
get an exception to get 0.82.x included. There would be frustration
for those who try to use Sugar out of the box without upgrading to

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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