I spent a good part of this week adding a new feature to Read Etexts:
annotations and bookmarks.  What this means is the following:

1).  You can add a note to a page that will appear below the page text
whenever that page is current.  Sort of like writing in the margins of
a real book.

2).  You can set multiple bookmarks in a book, so in addition to the
normal feature of resuming in the text where you left off you can
bookmark key pages in the book and move between them easily.

3).  The annotations and bookmarks are stored with the book, so if you
share a book either using collaboration or by copying it to a thumb
drive the annotations and bookmarks go with it.

In the next release I *might* have a feature that lets you highlight
passages in a book by underlining them, and you'll be able to do more
than one passage on a given page.  The goal is to be able to do
anything with a Gutenberg etext that you could do with a real book,
other than throw it against a wall or burn it.  I could see these
features being helpful to someone writing a term paper for instance.
Of course our target audience doesn't write term papers, but I'm
hoping they'll find it useful for something or other.

Feedback would be greatly appreciated!

James Simmons
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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