Tomeu - yes, thanks for the reminder.  olpc asia is starting to
publish their posts in both English and Chinese, and just relaunched
their site; people who haven't are encouraged to give it a read.


On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 4:57 AM, Tomeu Vizoso<> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 10:51, Bastien<> wrote:
>> Hi Christoph,
>> Christoph Derndorfer <> writes:
>>> I was wondering whether anyone happens to know of any OLPC / Sugar
>>> community activity happening in China?
>> I was in China last month and I did a presentation about Sugar (and
>> other stuff) to the Beijing Linux User Group:
>> There I met people working on the Gdium, mainly trying to use it as a
>> tool for education in remote areas.  They are not using Sugar, they are
>> using mandriva and a selected set of educational applications, but they
>> are interested in trying Sugar.  OLPC France plans to continue to work
>> on the Sugar-for-Gdium issue, and perhaps they'll try Sugar in remote
>> chinese areas one day.
>> I also met people from the Beijing Normal University, a university to
>> train teachers' trainers.  I presented Sugar to them, and they were very
>> interested.  I gave them 2 USB keys with Soas v1, I hope this will start
>> a discussion and maybe some deeper testing in some primary schools. BNU
>> is also running a nice community here:, this
>> can be a place where to let teachers know about Sugar.
>>> Doing a quick Google search revealed that a small deployment by
>>> OLPC.Asia was recently started in Sichuan
>>> (
>>> but other than that I'm not really aware of any activities in the country.
>> I didn't know about this, but I will forward this to the people I know
>> in China, thanks!
>>> Any pointers and help are much appreciated!
> Awesome news!
> SJ, can we have the OLPC Asia blog in the planet?
> Thanks all,
> Tomeu
>> HTH,
>> --
>>  Bastien
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>> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
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