On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 1:07 PM, Bernie Innocenti <ber...@codewiz.org> wrote:
> Right.  One way around it is using Alien, which I already proposed.
> Another "solution" is to admit that kids running incompatible distros
> will be unable to exchange activities -- period.  It would be quite a
> rare scenario in the field.

Depends on what you define as 'field'.  If you mean
national/province/whole school XO (or maybe SoaS) deployments.
It will be practically never.  If you mean: meetups, gruops of home
schoolers, Sugar days at the local museum/zoo/etc. i.e.
grassroots events, then it's going to be a lot more common.  In fact,
given how many releases there have been for the
XO and other Sugar delivery methods; I suspect that any meeting of
this type will not be all the same base system.

Bill bogstad
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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