Hi All,

I need to help the Audubon Middle School project get their 10 XOs on the net. 
Their school evidently has high speed internet, but it is all by ethernet 
cables... no wifi.  So, I need info on how to set up something that will work 
with the XOs... a school server, I guess.  I looked at the info on the OLPC 
wiki, but I don't understand enough about it to set it up or tell them how to 
do it.

I assume they need a computer to do this. Do they have to install Linux before 
installing server software?  Is there any place on the wiki that tells how to 
do this? Should they just find someone to fund a decicated school server? Where 
can they get one? What is the most reliable, inexpensive way for them to do 
this?  Maybe just an inexpensive router? The school probably has some sort of 
firewall, what will they have to do to log on?

Caroline... have you dealt with this at all?

Is there a Grannie's Guide to doing this anywhere? Links appreciated!  

Caryl (aka "Grannie")

P.S. I haven't actually seen their set up, but will go visit them next week.    
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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