On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 23:46, Mel Chua <m...@melchua.com> wrote:
> Three quick notes about our next meeting (same time, same place -
> #sugar-meeting at 1400 UTC Friday 30 Oct):
> 1. A place for the agenda is here.
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/Meeting_Log-2009-10-30. If
> you'd like to add something for consideration for the agenda, see
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/Minutes#How_to_add_topics.
> You'll notice that I'm proposing that we dedicate our next SLOBs meeting
> entirely towards solidifying a clear way for SL community members to
> request, and SLOBs to make, decisions - one that doesn't necessarily
> rely on 100% SLOBs attendance + consensus (or confirming that that's the
> only option that we want, if that's the case). It doesn't mean the
> decision-making procedure will be perfect - only that it be operational,
> working, and able to amend itself by meeting's end.
> *Please* speak up if there is something more urgent that should trump
> this, or if you disagree; I personally think a way to make decisions is
> a prerequisite for handling the other urgent issues we have coming up
> (such as SoaS trademarking) well, but suggestions on how to do this
> better are *always* welcome.
> 2. In order for this to work, a few things have to happen.
> * We need 100% SLOBs attendance and participation (and consensus on the
> final set of options) at the next SLOBs meeting.
> * We need a good laying-out of options on
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Requesting_a_SLOBs_decision. I'll call for
> help on Planet and the mailing lists again shortly.
> * We need everyone who's going to participate in the discussion (SLOBs,
> anyone who wants to chime in at the meeting, anyone who can't make the
> meeting but wants to chime in on the mailing list beforehand) to read
> and consider http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Requesting_a_SLOBs_decision,
> and be up-to-date on that page at meeting time.
> That's it. I believe this will bootstrap SLOBs into being able to move
> *far* more easily and efficiently in the future. But it does mean that,
> for one week, we *may get nothing else done.* (Or rather, may have to
> get everything else done on mailing lists rather than at our meeting.)
> That's the tradeoff I would choose, and the one I propose - I'm curious
> to hear what others think, though, so please fire away.

Just to say that I agree with all of that and trust that tomorrow
we'll give the last push to the decision-making process. For now,
seems to be quite uncontroversial ;)

See you tomorrow,


«Sugar Labs is anyone who participates in improving and using Sugar.
What Sugar Labs does is determined by the participants.» - David
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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