On Sat, 2010-03-13 at 13:36 -0700, Josh Williams wrote:
> That's true, you can always resize the window. I'm in the camp that it's 
> better to set a maximum width because I think it's harder to read long 
> strings of text. Also I don't enjoy resizing the window just for sites 
> that do this. Anyway, I'm not opposed to having it set at 100% width if 
> you think most of the wiki users would prefer that.

I was convinced of the superiority of a resizable layou until reading
your argument. Indeed, very long lines of text are hard to read and look

On the other hand, even on my 1440 pixel wide-screen display, our
production wiki looks normal, while yours seems too narrow.

It might be because I'm using larger fonts, and you specified the width
in pixels. Perhaps you could use point units instead?

While I agree with you on the principle, it might turn out to be too
hard to get the fixed layout look good on all of the oddly shaped
displays that exist today. The official Wikipedia site also uses 100%
width, perhaps for the same reason.

> I personally use wine for ie6 and then I have an xp virtual machine for 
> ie 7, vista VM for ie 8, and an old ubuntu VM for FF3. I use my 
> girlfriends old ibook for safari 3.

Wow, that's quite an impressive range... You missed my favorite, but
Safari should come close.

> Thanks the screenshot was helpful, I'll be working on the issue later 
> next week. BTW if you normally have that many tabs open, I strongly 
> recommend you try out tree style tabs for firefox - it's a super handy 
> ad on.

Thank you, it's really fantastic... but it won't suffice: I'm too happy
with Chromium to switch back to Firefox as my default browser :-)

   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
 \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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