On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 11:59:38AM -0500, David Han wrote:

*How can we take the data from the students' Journals and save it on a
single computer?*
If you're using a school server (XS), it's probably easiest to use the backup function (never tried it, so can't tell).

Another option is to tar up the entire data store either to a USB stick or via network. E.g.:

tar -C "${HOME}"/.sugar/default -czf /media/COLLECTION/datastore-"$(gconftool-2 -g /desktop/sugar/user/nick |tr -cd A-Za-z0-9)-$(uuidgen)".tar.gz

ssh su...@soas1 tar -C .sugar/default -czf - datastore > datastore-soas1.tar.gz

You can then unpack the tarball to ~/.sugar/default and use Sugar to look at the Journal entries. Sugar mustn't be running during unpacking, and I'd recommend not to do this with a non-empty data store (it should work in theory, but you can't rely on it).

Depending on what you're going to do with the entries and how, you could also write a simple activity that scans the data store and saves/sends the entries in a format of your choice.

Maybe this is enough to get you started - it's hard to tell without knowing more about what you want to do and in what kind of environment / using which tools.

CU Sascha


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