You wrote in IRC that you found the ESCAPE key worked for you.  That's

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 07:02:08PM -0800, Caryl Bigenho wrote:
> I need to know this for Saturday, along with variations for different
> kinds of PCs so I can tell folks what to do.  Is it the same on all of
> them?  If not, how do I find the variations for other folks?

No, every PC may be different.  The function you seek is related to the
firmware of the PC.

It is easy to explain for the XO, since we create the firmware.  We
don't create the firmware for other kinds of PCs.

The firmware is also known as BIOS, and is the semi-permanent program
which is responsible for checking the hardware and loading an operating

It doesn't really belong in the OLPC or Sugar Wiki unless it is clearly
marked as relating to the type of machine you have ... manufacturer,
model, and firmware version.

James Cameron
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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