Dear List members,
We've started a good friendly relationship with one of the more interesting deployments of OLPC in Colombia, specifically in Medellín. They are looking for a volunteer that will help them with English. We think this is a great opportunity for a Sugar volunteer to work in a Deployment and engage the Maureen Orth deployment with the rest of the community.
Details and contact information below:

/"We are looking for good English speaker volunteers to come work for a semester or a year at one of our three schools in Medellin and El Carmen de Vivoral, to help teach the kids in grades -K-11 English, read to them, establish libraries, work with them on pronunciation and reading comprehension, work the smartboards if possible, just to drill them in English, etc. They would work with some of the more advanced students in one of the schools but most kids are still on beginning levels. If they know computers, so much the better--they can also help the Colombian English teachers with methods and lesson plans. We have two schools within the confines of the city of Medellin--both high up over the city, one considered rural, one not. Plus a school in El Carmen de Vivoral, K-6, about an hour outside of Medellin--nice little rural town. As you know we emphasize computers, English, leadership.

We pay room and board; volunteers usually live with families. We pay a stipend and also help with transportation but cannot say we will fly someone in from anywhere in the world. Would prefer some classroom experience."/

Fecha de Inicio: Tan pronto como sea posible, pero dado que se necesita tiempo para coordinar todo, el 1° de marzo estaría bien. Ventajas y Oportunidades: Contribuir con la educación de niños y niñas de sectores pobres, aprender y practicar español, aprender a usar TIC en el aula, desarrollar un trabajo comunitario.
    Localización Geográfica:

*Vereda Aguas Frías, parte alta (Medellín), zona montañosa (Andes). Paisaje hermosísimo. 45 minutos desde el centro de Medellín. Buena frecuencia de transporte público. Trabajo en la Institución Educativa Marina Orth. * Vereda Campo Alegre, Centro Educativo Rural Campo Algre. Municipio El Carmen de Viboral. 1 hora y 30 desde Medellín. Oriente Antioqueño. . Colegio Camino de Paz-Fundación Las Golondrinas. Barrio Llanaditas, 15 minutos desde el centro de Medellín. Sector popular.

Requisitos: Buen inglés, disposiciones para manejar grupos de niños (35 en promedio), excelentes disposiciones para realizar trabajo comunitario con adultos. Cada voluntario debe cubrir los gastos de ida y regreso a su país de origen y los gastos de visa como voluntario.

Datos de Contacto: Luís Fernando Sánchez Hurtado, Director Ejecutivo, Fundación Marina Orth. Email: Cell phone: 320 692 31 39. Skype: Lufesa2
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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