If XO printing or mobile printing could be set up easily, I think there
would be an activity or install by now.  I am waiting for Google Cloud
Print to open up more:

Right now you can use their website and the Chrome browser to register
printers on Windows machines, and use a JavaScript API to order an online
PDF to be printed.


On Fri, May 13, 2011 11:40 pm, moku...@earthtreasury.org wrote:
> On Fri, May 13, 2011 2:30 am, nanon...@mediagala.com wrote:
>> />moku...@earthtreasury.org wrote:
>>> It is straightforward to share Journal entries between XOs.
> although not over mesh networking.
>> *>..Printing is not necessary.*
>> ------------------------------------------------------------/
> I said also that printing was useful. Further comments below on your
> comments.
> It is possible to set up XOs to print, but it requires installing the
> printing package, and it means plugging into a USB printer for each job.
> What we want is a school server with a printer, and a robust way to use
> the wireless on the XOs to access it. Mesh networking is utterly unreliable
> in the classroom, so we have to fall back to regular WiFi and Jabber
> servers, or to a Web-based interface where one can upload a file or a
> Journal entry and schedule it for printing. There are a number of
> technical problems with this, which we need to put serious effort into
> fixing. We also have to work on the user interface.
> I will be happy to assist. Is anybody working on this in PLAN Ceibal?
> Step 1. Collect user requirements in the form of use cases
> * Who wants to print what, when, for what purposes?
> * Do lots of children want to print at the same time?
> * Is it acceptable to queue print jobs for later pickup?
> * Color or black & white, or a mixture?
> * Documents from other sources, or Journal entries, or printing from
> activities? * What sizes? (Metric vs. US; letter vs oversize and undersize)
>  * Should teachers schedule printing, or should students, or both?
> * How much printing can a school afford?
> * How will we manage permissions and privileges?
> * What else have you heard from teachers and students?
> * Which use case has highest priority?
> Step 2. Triage
> * Which use cases do we know how to support?
> * Which use cases are most important?
> * Who should decide what to do next?
> * What minimizes the current pain?
> Step 3. Implement first-cut solution
> * Who will do the work?
> * What oversight will there be?
> * How do we test the solution?
> * Did we solve the right initial problem?
> Step 4.
> * Lather, rinse, repeat
> I hope this helps.
> Who is willing to work on this problem?
>> Mr. Mokurai:
>> MAybe you are an expert in Education, and Xo, or SUgar development, or
>> teaching children,
> I reject the title of expert. I know a little, but mostly I know how
> little I know. I am Project Manager of the Sugar Labs project to Replace
> Textbooks with Open Education Resources, not because I know how to do it,
>  but because I am the only one who sees its importance as I do, and is
> willing to do the work, and to find out how.
>> but I think that you don't KNow the reality of the XOs here in Uruguay,
>> or somewhere that the teachers uses XO.
> My Spanish is bad, and I have not been to Uruguay, true. I am working on
> both of those problems. I know how I use my laptop and my two XOs, which
> does not include printing, unless an employer or a government agency
> insists.
>> *"Printing is not necessary"* is a very good statement , I agree, but
>> for the real people (not the theoretical children) is only a statement,
>> that is almost impossible to apply now. It is like saying "The peace is
>>  better than the war"... is a very good phrase, we all agree, but with
>> that phrase I can not solve the problems of the world.
> I have some ideas on peace, but they will take at least a generation to
> work out. I am counting on our millions of children to help out after they
>  learn how to work with each other around the world. See The Evolution of
>  Cooperation, by Robert Axelrod, for a theoretical outline of an
> approach.
>> The real world exists, and* in the real world the teachers wants to
>> print.*.  that is a fact, and We can not change it. Maybe in 30 Years the
>> mind of the Teachers will change, but not now.
> Yes, I am very clear on the difference between "want to" and "need to".
> It
> was one of the main topics of my seminary training.
>> MAybe in 30 Years this statement will be true, but now if you told a
>> TEacher that you can't print  is the same as saying _"don't use the
>> Xo's. You have a XIX century mind. The XO are made for XXII century
>> minds only"._..
> A XV century, pre-Gutenberg, approach works quite well, actually. We need
>  to adjust our thinking more than theirs.
>> This is not my opinion, it's simply an observation of the real world
>> that I see that here in Uruguay: _there are a lot of teachers that don't
>>  Use the XO_ because of lots of problems that it has (there are also
>> other reasons that are non technical). One of those problems are the
>> "printing problem".
> As expected, until we get XOs into the full curriculum in the teachers'
> colleges.
>> ----------------
>> You said to "share the Journal".  Excuse me, Mr. Mokurai:_* *_Do you
>> Know that the MEsh doesn't works?????
> Yes, I do. You can share journal entries on USB flash drives, or over
> Jabber servers.
>> Even if you can share something,  The XOs hangs up, or loose the entire
>>  journal, and the children don't use the journal for "important
>> things", that's why the teachers wants to print!!!! to have something
>> "hardware"
>> that works, even if the XO hangs, or the "journal" fails.
> Again, we need serious work on school servers, including regular backup
> of student work.
>> I Invite YOu to come to Uruguay to teach us how to share something in a
>>  real classroom with real Children .  NOrmally if YOu would share
>> something, YOu have to use 30 minutes of an hour-class only for setting
>>  up the connections, and interrupting the class every 10 minutes
>> because a child  had a disconnection.
> After I learn to speak Spanish rather more, not just read, and whenever I
>  can get funded.
>> --------------
>> Sorry for my poor English.
> My Spanish is far worse than your English. My Russian teacher, who also
> taught Greek and Hebrew, always said, "If you aren't making mistakes, you
> aren't learning."
>> Paolo Benini
>> Montevideo
>> _______________________________________________
>> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
>> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep
> --
> Edward Mokurai
> (默雷/धर्ममेघश
> ब्दगर्ज/دھر&#
> 1605;میگھشبدگر
> ج) Cherlin
> Silent Thunder is my name, and Children are my nation.
> The Cosmos is my dwelling place, the Truth my destination.
> http://www.earthtreasury.org/
> _______________________________________________
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

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