On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 2:56 PM,  <nanon...@mediagala.com> wrote:
>>Walter Bender wrote:
>>The eventual transition to GNOME 3.0 and PYGI will make a big difference in
>> our ability to support more interoperability as well.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This is a very good news, Thanks, Walter!
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>Walter Bender wrote:
>>In any case, concrete feedback and criticism is welcome.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Concrete Feedback:
> The journal is always full of garbage, hundreds of empty entries:  is there
> a possibility to "CLEAN" the JOurnal?, or much better, that the programs
> won't write empty entries?

Quip: Thank goodness the only problem we have is Journal spam.

Seriously, this has been an issue we have gone back and forth about
for quite some time and I am afraid that our attempts to find a
one-size-fits-all solution have not been successful.

In the early days of Sugar, the default behavior upon launching an
activity from the Home View was to launch a new instance, which ended
up with a Journal entry associated with that activity. This was
seemingly fine for Write, but pretty annoying for Terminal or Tetris.

We turned it around about two-years ago such that the default behavior
is now launch the most recent instance by default. This has in my
experience almost entirely eliminated Journal spam, but we have had
complaints that it is too difficult to launch a new instance (you need
to use the hover menu and scroll past the list of most recent
actions). I had proposed (but never wrote the patch) to make "new
instance" be at the top of the list rather than the bottom, which I
think help quite a bit. Still, the debate continues.

We have discussed adding to the activity.info file an indication as to
whether or not an activity should launch a new instance by default,
but this idea has generally been disparaged as being too confusing:
different launch behaviors for different activities.

[I am curious which launch behavior you are working with, as I don't
understand how launch-most-recent by default would result in Journal


In a separate thread, Ana just proposed a few other ideas, which I
will discuss as part of that thread:




> Empty entry = when a kid opens "Browse", and he closes 10 seconds later, it
> is useless that entry.
> If the kid uses "Write" for more than 15 minutes, probably he wrote
> something useful.
> For example , If the kid opens "Write" but he don't write anything, that
> entry would not be save on the journal.
> ANother example: Programs that are not well "sugarized", they save lots and
> lots of useless entries on the journal.
> The problem is not the space, those entries don't occupy nothing. The
> problem is the amount of entries.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Paolo Benini
> Montevideo
> _______________________________________________
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

Walter Bender
Sugar Labs
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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