On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 5:03 AM,  <fors...@ozonline.com.au> wrote:
>>  > .. The only activity shipped with Sugar is a very old version of Turtle 
>> Art./
>> Plan Ceibal installed that Sugar 0.87.1, (on Ubuntu 10.04.3) because they 
>> didn't Know that TurtleArt Runs on
>> Ubunto+Gnome, they think that running Turtle Art under Sugar is the only Way 
>> to install it.
> Turtleart runs under Gnome. Unfortunately later XO OS's hide the Activities 
> directory and do not allow read access. If you do not have the permissions or 
> skill you can not then run Turtleart in Gnome.
> It might be good to include Turtleart with Gnome, in the same way Inkscape, 
> Gnumeric and Abiword work out of the box. Is this practical?

Indeed it would, I didn't even realise it ran under gnome. Walter, any
chance of getting a .desktop file shipped as part of the release to
make it easy to run under gnome, let me know if you want me to help
get that done.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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