More strings will be coming soon.  Our Quechua team also included some
remote contributors from Boliviia.  As I explained to our teams,
localization sprints are great start, but now we start running the
ultra-marathon.  :-)

SugarCamp Lima was incredibly productive (in more ways than just
translations, although those are obviously near to my heart).  The
efforts will continue well beyond this time and they will be so much
more successful because of the wonderful shared experiences at

We have been so busy working together that we have not communicated
enough with the broader community all that has been accomplished.  We
will fix that in the days to come as the seeds planted grow and bear


On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 1:11 PM, Walter Bender <> wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 11:05 PM, Sebastian Silva
> <> wrote:
>> Also today,
>> We'd like to share with the Sugar community our feeling of rejoice since
>> the objectives of the Sugar Camp Lima 2011 have been accomplished:
>> We're very grateful for the contribution of such a select team and very
>> proud to have contributed work to upstream projects.
> Glad to hear that things have gone well. I know from IRC that Bernie
> and Chris have been giving their all. I have no doubt that other
> Sugaristas are working hard as well. Nice to see some .que and .aym
> strings landing.
> -walter
> -walter
>> Hopefully we'll make it to your next digest :P
>> Sebastian
>> somosAZUCAR
>> Sugar Labs Peru
>> El 20/11/11 00:04, Walter Bender escribió:
>>> == Sugar Digest ==
>>> 1. The Learning Team held a discussion about the Portfolio activity
>>> this week, which prompted me to make some enhancements. One request
>>> was the ability to export your portfolio to a PDF file. It turns out
>>> that Cairo supports a PDF surface, making it really easy to export
>>> PDF. So one nice by product of moving Sugar activities to Cairo
>>> graphics -- which is a necessary step in our migration to GTK3 -- is
>>> that it will be much easier to enable activities to export files to
>>> the Journal for printing. The other feature I added was the ability to
>>> make voice annotations on each page in your portfolio. These voice
>>> notes are played back when the portfolio is viewed. They are also
>>> saved went the contents are exported to HTML. Alas, PDF does not
>>> support audio, as far as I know. Please try Portfolio [1] and give me
>>> feedback as to how I can improve it.
>>> 2. Monday is the deadline for new feature proposals for Sugar 0.96.
>>> There are a number of proposals that have already been submitted (See
>>> [2]). Gonzalo Godiard and I have aggregated a number of proposals
>>> concerning the Journal in a collector page [3]. These proposed
>>> features are a result of the past month of discussion with the
>>> Learning Team. Additional feedback on these and all of the new-feature
>>> proposal is most welcome. Please add to the discussion on the "Talk"
>>> page of each individual proposal.
>>> 3. I mentioned last week that I wrote a plugin for Turtle Blocks that
>>> adds a palette for creating models for the Physics activity. (Physics
>>> uses a 2D engine called Box2D [4].) I've made a few additions this
>>> week, including a block that creates a gear. Building a simple machine
>>> should be a bit easier than trying to use the tools exposed by
>>> Physics. Of course, there are limits to what one can do with a simple.
>>> Working directly with sensors may be a more productive approach. But I
>>> have to say, it is really fun to create Box2D models in Turtle Blocks.
>>> (See [5] for more details on how to load the plugin and run it.)
>>> It is difficult to strike a balance between giving the student a tool
>>> and giving the student the skills to make tools. I've wrestled with
>>> this quite a bit in Turtle Art over the years. Lately, I am leaning
>>> more towards exposing more functionality in the form of predefined
>>> blocks than asking that these blocks be built by the user. For
>>> example, I recently added blocks for getting mouse x,y coordinates,
>>> whereas before, I shipped Python code that could be loaded by the user
>>> to accomplish the same thing. Of course, View Source is still
>>> available. But where to draw the line is not obvious, at least to me.
>>> 4. Cherry Withers pointed out Mr Steve's Exploratorium Blog earlier
>>> this week, but I thought it merited mentioning it again (See [6]).
>>> === Sugar Labs ===
>>> Gary Martin has generated SOMs from the past few weeks of discussion
>>> on the IAEP mailing list.
>>> 2011 Nov 5th - Nov 11 (80 emails) [7]
>>> Visit our planet [8] for more updates about Sugar and Sugar deployments.
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
>>> [4] [
>>> [5]
>>> [6]
>>> [7]
>>> [8]
>>> -walter
> --
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> _______________________________________________
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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