Sugar-Activity   Python Tute-29  (#4476) looks nice also.
"Easy to follow interactive tutorial for Python and Pygame."

runs on f16-SoaS v6 (Sugar 0.94.1); XO-1 os833 (sugar 0.94.1) ; and sugar 0.88 running in Debian squeeze.

Tom Gilliard

On 01/29/2012 09:29 AM, Caryl Bigenho wrote:

Hi All…

I took a look at this last night and agree with Tabitha that it is definitely not a stand-alone way to learn Python. I have also looked at, Pippy, and the ebook "Byte of Python" (among others), and the the Khan Academy videos for learning Python.

It would be great if some master teacher of CS could put together a course syllabus using these free online resources that we could use to learn this handy, popular language.

My programming days ended in the 80s with Pascal. I would love to learn Python and be able to create Activities for Sugar. But with my busy schedule (and adult ADHD) I really need someone to give structure to my efforts.

I'll bet there are lots of other folks out there in the same boat… well… maybe without the ADHD!


Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2012 10:08:31 -0500
Subject: Re: [IAEP] Nice tool for learning Python

If you haven't seen Teagueduino yet, it's worth a look as a system that does a good job of making the invisible visible, especially parts of the programming interface that show you the signals/voltages in the chip being set high or low when things run. The two pictures of the editor in the article below show some of this.
On Jan 29, 2012, at 8:55 AM, Alan Kay wrote:

    Hi Tabitha

    I don't think the premise of this system is for Python programming
    to be "discovered" while doing it, and I didn't see any claims for

    It simple "makes the invisible more visible" when manipulating
    computer entities and invoking processes that are usually shrouded
    at best.

    Systems like Etoys and Scratch need this particular visualization
    less because they have mostly visible objects that are being given
    behaviors (and which also in Etoys' case have visible data
    structures -- e.g. "Holders" etc -- as well). The programmers can
    see the changes in the already visible objects. (That is partly
    the point in how they are designed for beginners.)

    But these systems use a lot of parallel invocations, so one could
    imagine a facility like Bob Balzer's EXDAMS (in the 60s!) that
    captured all of the behavior for a stretch and allow it to be
    played forward and backward deterministically to help the
    programmer understand what was going on and the communications
    between objects.

    I think the main point here is that it really helps any
    programmer, and especially beginners, when the computer can be
    used to aid both their short term memories and abilities in
    visualizing the consequences of their code.

    A system like the Python visualizer is especially useful for
    low-level imperative-type data structure munging programming (and
    Python is often learned in this way).



        *From:* Tabitha Roder <>
        *To:* Steve Thomas <>
        *Cc:* iaep <>
        *Sent:* Sunday, January 29, 2012 1:29 AM
        *Subject:* Re: [IAEP] Nice tool for learning Python

        On 28 January 2012 17:28, Steve Thomas <
        <>> wrote:

            Just found this:

        This tool looks like an amazing tool for someone who already
        understands programming concepts to teach with but it seems a
        stretch for someone to learn on their own with this tool by
        The first example code is "aliasing" but doesn't explain what
        a variable is, or a function, or a list. It might be possible
        to discover these concepts using the simulator but it is
        probably better explained in words.
        Does anyone know of a suitable ebook or tutorial which the
        simulator could be used with? Thinking of the cases where
        there is no one to guide the student.

        IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!) <>

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