Saludos a todos,

Con el fin de traducir, evaluar y *adoptar* envío los términos de la
propuesta de Proyecto que hizo el laboratorio local de la Universidad de
Dakota del Norte para conformar su Biblioteca XO. Los considero una
excelente base (o modelo) para proponer una guía a las futuras Bibliotecas
- Escuelas XO involucradas en los proyectos de Investigación &
Experimentación que están surgiendo en la comunidad local de Perú.

El texto ha sido tomado del Blog del "laboratorio local" de North Dakota -
 Hi all,

Hoping to translate, evaluate and *adopt* find bellow the terms of the
Project Proposal made by the North Dakota State University to establish an
XO Lending Library. I consider they may be an excelent base (or model) to
propose a guide to the upcomming Peru XO Lending Libraries / Schools
involved on Research and Experimentation Projects.
The text copied as is on the Blog of the "local lab" of North Dakota -

Proposal 1.2 XO Library & Sugar Labs @NDSU
We submitted a proposal in the fall of 2010, but learned that XOs could not
be shipped to Sudan because that country is on the terrorist watch list.
We have continued to explore E-toys and Sugar more generally with 4th and
5th graders at Madison Elementary School in Fargo, and have re-conceived of
our project, hence Proposal 1.2.
*1. Project Title & Shipment Detail*
*Name of Project: Fargo XO Lending Library and Sugar Labs @ NDSU
Shipping Address You’ve Verified:
 *Kevin Brooks*
*Department Chair*
 *Department of English
219A Morill Hall*
 *North Dakota State University*
*Fargo ND 58108*
 *Number of Laptops (or other hardware) You Request to Borrow: *10
*Loan Length—How Many Months: *as long as they will last as part of the
Fargo XO Lending Library.

 *2. Team Participants*
*Name(s) & Contact Info: (include all email addresses & phone numbers)*
Dr. Kevin Brooks, Chair, Department of English, North Dakota State
University, Fargo ND 58103. 701.231-7147.
Dr. Brian Slator, Chair, Department of Computer Science, NDSU.

 *Employer and/or School: *Both members employed by North Dakota State
*Past Experience/Qualifications:*
Dr. Brooks is an expert in technology integration into the English and
language arts curriculum, having published research on classroom
applications of hypertext, laptops, weblogs, powerpoint music videos, as
well as conceptual research on digital communication curricula.
Dr. Brian M. Slator is a Professor of Computer Science with research
interests in Artificial Intelligence, Educational Media, and Intelligent
Agents. He has published dozens of technical articles and his book,
“Electric Worlds”, concerns the use of immersive virtual environments for

* 3. Objectives*
*Project Objectives: (**WEB-PUBLISHED* <>*
1. Establish an XO Lending Library (five 1.0s, five 1.5s) and Sugar Labs @
NDSU in order to create interest in OLPC and build expertise with the XOs
and Sugar at NDSU and in Fargo more generally.
2. Figure out if / how educational games developed by Slator can be adapted
to Sugar and the XO.
3. Use XOs and Sugar within technical writing classes to teach software
documentation and usability studies, and in turn contribute to the
documentation of the software, hardware, and its activities.
4. Long term goal: have a Fargo-based team trained and ready to support a
large-scale deployment.

 *4. Plan of Action*
*Plan and Procedure for Achieving the Stated Objectives:*
Accomplishments in 2010-11:
1. successful Sugar after-school program at Madison elementary (2010-11).
2. community project grant ($20,000) awarded to expand Madison program to
full school integration, May 2011.
3. built up expertise in Sugar, familiarity with activities.
Summer 2011.
1. Establish identity of Sugar Labs @ NDSU and use lending library with
local summer programs.
2. Begin testing of Slator’s existing games on XOs.
3. Identify community partners for lending library.
Fall 2011
1. Integrate XOs and Sugar in to technical writing class(es) at NDSU.
2. Continue work on game development.
3. Work with community partners and lending library.
Spring 2011
Continue work started in the fall.
Will plan a “Turtle Art” day for Madison students.
Will seek additional funding for long-term support of project: e.g. NSF
grant to teach programming.
*5. Needs*
*Why is this project needed? *Sugar needs more educators–this potentially
transformative software is misunderstood and under-used. Slator’s games
need to be tested on XOs–both 1.0 and 1.5.
*Locally? *We are trying to build a “smart computing culture” in Fargo.
 That concept was at the core of our funded project; we have a vision for
introducing Sugar K-5, introducing programming via Turtle, E-toys, Scratch,
and Pippy during middle school, and more significant programming in high
school.  We are trying to enact the vision of Kay, Papert, and others.
*In the greater OLPC/Sugar community? * Dr. Slator’s work will potentially
bring more educational games in to the community; Dr. Brooks’s work will
provide documentation and educational support for OLPC / Sugar. The
long-term contribution will be support of future deployments by a
well-trained, knowledgeable team.
*Outside the community? *Slator and Brooks will be able to bring their work
in to their academic communities, potentially generating more interest in
OLPC, XO, and Sugar in higher education.  The team’s work with Madison
Elementary and other local programs can lead to interest outside NDSU and
the in the community.
*Why can’t this project be done **in
* using non-XO machines? *Much of it already is being done, with a
Sugar-on-a-Stick project at Madison elementary project.  But Slator needs
XOs to test his games on the hardware, not just the software; Brooks needs
XOs to teach hardware and software documentation. The long-term goal of
training a team to support a deployment needs access to hardware and
*Why are you requesting the number of machines you are asking for? *10
makes for a viable lending library. Portable enough to take to schools or
clubs for after-school projects, a good number for small teams of NDSU
students to work with, 5 of each XO allows for good variety in mixed age
groups and for testing.
*Will you consider (1) salvaged/rebuilt or (2) damaged XO Laptops?*
Yes.  There might even be some advantages to having a few damaged
ones–learn more about the care and maintenance of the computers.
*6. Sharing Deliverables*
*Project URL—where you’ll **Blog* <>* specific
ongoing progress:*
*How will you convey tentative ideas & results back to the OLPC/Sugar
community, prior to completion?*
Through our already established blog.
*How will the final fruits of your labor be distributed to children or
community members worldwide?*
Students at Madison Elementary will get a solid introduction to Sugar, and
they will be active participants in projects. Other children will have
access to the computers through the lending library.  Worldwide, we plan to
be in a position to support deployments as needed.
*Will your work have any possible application or use outside our community?*
*If yes, how will these people be reached?*
The academics involved will present findings of our study.  We hope to
engage the education community in a more robust discussion of Sugar.
*Have you investigated working with nearby **XO Lending
* or **Project Groups* <>*?*
To the best of our knowledge, there are no nearby libraries or project
*7. Quality/Mentoring*
*Would your Project benefit from Support, Documentation and/or Testing
Yes.  We would like to bring Dr. Gerald Ardito, who facilitated a
deployment for 5th graders in upstate New York, to Fargo; he has been a
consultant on this project already. We would also like to bring John
Tierney from Sugar Labs to Fargo; he too has been a consultant and catalyst
on this project.
*Teachers’ input into Usability? *Dr. Ardito could probably fill this role.
WE will be working with teachers at Madison Elementary in Fargo.
*How will you promote your work? *We are looking into adding someone from
the Business School or a Public Relations expert to our team.
*Can we help you with an experienced mentor from the OLPC/Sugar community? (
Perhaps Gerald Ardito and John Tierney will be able to tap into their
network if we need additional support.

 *8. Timeline (Start to Finish)*
*Please include a Proposed timeline for your Project life-cycle: (this can
be in the form of Month 1, Month 2, etc rather than specific dates)*
 Summer 2011.
1. Establish identity of Sugar Labs @ NDSU and use lending library with
local summer programs.
2. Begin testing of Slator’s existing games on XOs.
3. Identify community partners for lending library.
Fall 2011
1. Integrate XOs and Sugar in to technical writing class(es) at NDSU.
2. Continue work on game development.
3. Work with community partners and lending library.
Spring 2011
Continue work started in the fall.
Will plan a “Turtle Art” day for Madison students.
Will seek additional funding for long-term support of project: e.g. NSF
grant to teach programming.

Long-term goal: support a global deployment.
*Specify how you prefer to communicate your ongoing progress and obstacles!*
Progress updates on our blog
Share progress and obstacles on XO communication channels.
*[ X] I agree to pass on the laptop(s) to a local OLPC group or other
interested contributors in case I do not have need for the laptop(s)
anymore or in case my project progress stalls.*


Laura V.

@Lima 9898-1111-7
Skype acaire
IRC kaametza
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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