
I have been using the Energia IDE on my MacBook Pro for the Launchpad.
As I understand it, it is an Arduino variant, free and open source:
I am not sure if it will run on the XO, but it is an option as I see it.

I look forward to hearing about your progress. I will share whatever I
learn as well.


On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 11:25 PM,  <> wrote:
> Gerald
> Thanks for the update.
>> I just this link to a project using the TI Launchpad as a robot brain:
>> I am going to give it a try.
> I have just got my MSP430 launchpad and am planning the next step.
> It seems that there are 2 development IDE's: CCS and IAR
> Neither are open source but they are free when used with a 16kB code 
> limitation.
> MSPGCC is open source but only works from the command line, no graphic IDE. 
> Yamaplos documents the command line mspdebug at 
> (I do not know if mspdebug 
> and MSPGCC are related)
> Currently Arduino, PIC, and LegoWeDo are being used with the OLPC XO with the 
> programming being done on the XO, either in TurtleArt or Scratch. The 
> electronics of the robotics kits are being used as I/O expanders. The 
> students are not programming the processors on the robotics kits. (I am not 
> sure what LegoNXT is doing).
> The Arduino is running Firmata software which turns 
> it into a dumb slave, I think the Butia team are using similar (but 
> different) software on their Arduino or PIC.
> Maybe the most productive approach is to find or write for the MSP430 a 
> Firmata emulator, then the MSP430 can be used as a replacement for the 
> Arduino, under control of TurtleArt (and maybe Scratch).
> The benefit is that the MSP430 is currently 1/10 the price of an Arduino. I 
> am concerned that this subsidised price may not continue indefinitely or that 
> schools may not be able to buy them in quantity though.
> I will look at MSP430 Firmata. So far I have installed the CCS IDE for 
> Windows (it looked easier than Linux). I will let you know my progress
> Tony
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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