
On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 07:33:16PM -0800, Caryl Bigenho wrote:
> Hi…
> I was going to reflash and update an XO that is supposed to be checked out to
> someone in the Dallas area. The software was pretty old so I wanted to get it
> up-to-date before sending it out. 
> I prepared a usb drive, checked it on my original G1G1 XO-1, inserted it into
> the other computer and… it told me to power off with the power button.
> Then I noticed… three dots! Oh, oh… it is an XO-1.5. I had tried to reflash
> with XO-1 build. When I did that, it tried to read it and gave me the message
> to power off. 
> I went back and downloaded the 13.2.0 for an XO-1.5, put it in and tried to
> start the reflash process. Nothing! Power light goes on but it doesn't try to
> proceed beyond that.
> It had started up with an older build before this … maybe I should have left
> well-enough alone. Anyway, now the power light goes on but it doesn't try to
> boot at all… with or without the usb reflash drive.
> I went to the troubleshooting guide and did the "resetting the embedded
> controller" procedure (http://wiki.laptop.org/go/XO_Full_Reset) No problems
> there.
> Then I tried to turn it on. The instructions say to watch for the microphone
> led… I don't know where it is, but no small lights flashed. However, after a
> couple of tries I noticed a very brief flash of the screen… so quick and
> incomplete that I probably missed it several times before noticing it. 
> There is no boot sound. I think the real time clock battery is OK as the times
> were fine when I turned it on a couple of weeks ago. 
> Any ideas about what I should try next???
> Caryl
> P.S. Please forward to anyone you think may know how to fix this.

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James Cameron
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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