On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 11:53 AM, Daniel Narvaez <dwnarv...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This is an interesting blog post with a paragraph about GNOME triaging
> http://afaikblog.wordpress.com/2014/04/09/enabling-participation/
> Interestingly it's pretty much exactly the same approach I followed with
> the triaging I had done with 0.100. It would be good to have a simple set
> of rule like that written down before the meeting. I think the way we
> triage has a huge impact on lowering contribution barriers,

We need at least verify  all the "Unconfirmed" tickets. We can start now,
don't need wait until the triage meeting.
I assume, if the bug is confirmed, we should set:
Milestone = 0.102
Status = New

or close them if are not longer present.

Would be good if we can reset all the priorities to "Unassigned",
in all the  tickets with module=Sugar,the field content does not have any
sense right now.
Then we can use the triage meeting to finish the confirmation and to set
the priorities.

What you think?

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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