Oops! I forgot to include the install script:

tar -xvf zim-0.62.tar.gz
cd zim-0.62
sudo python setup.py install
cd -
rm -rf zim-0.62
sugar-install-bundle zim-4.xo

The easy way is to use a 4GB usb drive (with 1-2GB free). Suppose the drive label is XYZ.
Copy the tarball to this drive. Copy zim-4.xo as well.

On an XO, open the Terminal activity (may not be a favorite - so launch from list view) You will see the prompt line ending in '$'. Enter the following commands (omitting the $ which is there to show that the command follows the $ prompt.) The # introduces a comment, so don't type the # or the text following

$cd /run/media/olpc/XYZ #XYZ is the usb drive label, on older builds, cd /media/XYZ may work.
$nano zim-install $nano is a simple text editor

Paste the script in the blank area, nano requires 'ctrl' + 'V', not 'ctrl' + 'v' (i.e. ctrl+shift+v)

Enter 'ctrl' + 'x' to quit nano (answer Y to save the file).

$cat zim-install #shows the content of the file to verify all is well

$bash zim-install #runs the script

The install takes a few minutes and displays a lot of messages.

You can execute zim in the Gnome Desktop (should be in accessories).

You can execute it from the Terminal activity:


You can launch the zim activity (should be in favorites). After it launches, click on the word zim in the toolbar.

Since zim is not a native Sugar activity, there will be two icons on the frame: the zim icon and a grey circle. The grey circle shows the Zim screen, the icon shows the Zim activity screen. To quit zim, use the quit in the file menu or the 'x' in the top right corner. Normally, this will show the Zim activity screen. The normal quit button in the toolbar will terminate the activity.

The web site is http://zim-wiki.org/. There is also a built-in manual (click on help in the Zim toolbar and click on the contents option).



On 02/21/2015 08:52 AM, iaep-requ...@lists.sugarlabs.org wrote:
Subject: Re: [IAEP] Note-taking
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"

Hi, Sora

I have been using zim desktop wiki. I think it would fit this
application very well. It installs and runs on
all versions of XO.

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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