On Tue, 2016-04-19 at 17:42 -0400, Dave Crossland wrote:
> On 19 April 2016 at 17:19, Iain Brown Douglas
> <i...@browndouglas.plus.com> wrote:
>         Other slide shows I have experimented with, tend to leave too
>         much white
>         space, and/or it is difficult to arrange image and text
>         nicely, and/or
>         images have to be re-sized at production time, resulting in
>         the risk of
>         loss of definition.
> Did you try impress.js ? It has relatively simple precise positioning
> of elements, I think. 

No I didn't try it, but it's not markdown, I think. Pages are written in
(as you say) precise html, but look how simple is the source of my
Remark pages.

Thanks for looking up so many examples - it does impress :)
> http://impress.github.io/impress.js (official intro demo)
> http://nice-shots.de/
> http://parhumm.github.io/presentation-learning-to-design/
> http://pkoperek.github.io/bytecode-presentation/
> http://valeka.net/freelancer/ (very nice)
> http://sylvainw.github.io/HTML5-Future/index_en.html (more standard
> slide layouts)
> http://aht.github.io/whatisgit/
> http://luisgc.github.io/technical-debt-presentation/
> http://acm.ut.ac.ir/panjare/
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