On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 02:07:04AM +0000, Caryl Bigenho wrote:
> [...] Motion to be voted on by the SLOB members:
> These lines in the Sugar Labs Rules of Governance shall be changed
> wherever they occur from:
> "The members of the Oversight Board may be removed from the position
> at any time by a majority vote of the Community Members" to
> "The members of the Oversight Board may be removed from the position
> at any time by a majority vote of the Sugar Labs Oversight Board."

Why should members give up this right?

Instead, you might seek to add the right to the board.

Your next step is to achieve a seconding of the motion, and organise a
formal vote of the membership.  May I suggest the Membership and
Elections Committee.

> Recently the SLOB has become extremely dysfunctional. [...]

I'm not so sure.  What I see is lack of time, very brief responses,
failure of communication, unshared expectations, ... which in time
will result in more robust and public debate of the issues.  Also,
some of the board are being quite busy and enthusiastic, which is a
wonderful thing to see.

Members of Sugar Labs elected the oversight board members, and another
election is coming up; the timetable is published.  Election
would be the perfect time for members to choose who to remove; by
electing the people it wants.


@Samuel, do you think this timetable adequate?  ;-)

James Cameron
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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