For the reason cited below, I have created a special-purpose Sugar Labs Event 
Planning mailing list, and sent e-mail invitations to all of the recipients of 
Cary's original e-mail. Anyone who did not receive an invitation, but would 
like to subscribe, please feel free to join in on the discussion by subscribing 

Alex Perez

Alex Perez wrote:
I will be in attendance at SCaLE 17x, along with my wife, who is currently a first grade schoolteacher, and has taught second grade, kindergarten, and pre-K here in California. Since this is a volunteer-run, kid-friendly event, it has a fairly different emphasis than a lot of other Linux-oriented conferences.

Since there are nearly 240 subscribers to the IAEP mailing list, I would like to propose we peel off the discussion of the specifics to a general-purpose "events" mailing list, with only the people who actually wish to be involved in the specifics of this discussion. I can set one up easily, and we can continue discussion there. Thoughts?

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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