
Members of the GCI Mentors mailing list received this message today
from Stephanie T. of Google.

Some of you may not be on that list, but interested to know so I am
copying it here.

Thanks to everyone for all their efforts (and hacking) over the years
for GCI with SL!

> Hi GCI Mentors and Org Admins,
> Google Code-in concluded 10 amazing, productive, exhilarating years
> in January. This program has been a success because of the amazing
> energy and passion all of you have exhibited; volunteering dozens,
> hundreds, and in some cases, thousands(!) of hours to help 14,700+
> teenagers, from 115+ countries, complete a whopping 76,200+ open
> source tasks, during the past 10 years! 
> We wanted all of you to be among the first to know that Google Code-
> in 2019 was our final Google Code-in contest. We've been looking hard
> at our portfolio of programs and as open source evolves, our programs
> need to evolve too. We've decided to focus our efforts on Google
> Summer of Code and programs like Season of Docs that meet projects'
> sustainability needs going into the next 10 years of open source.
> We want to thank you all for being inspiring role models to these
> students. Many of you were GCI or GSoC students yourselves and have
> been paying it forward for years by helping teenagers discover their
> passion for open source software development. The extent of your
> support was something many didn’t expect when they first started out
> trying to complete a few tasks to earn a Google T-shirt.
> You have welcomed students into your communities and shown them how
> open source is making the world a better place and how they can be a
> part of that. You all have inspired, taught, listened, and made a
> difference in the lives of thousands of students. THANK YOU! These
> students have brought fresh new perspectives and ideas into your
> communities, inspiring long-term committers with their enthusiasm,
> curiosity and skills.
> Many of you have been mentors for all 10 years of GCI (plus GHOP!),
> while others came into the GCI family just this past year. Regardless
> of when you joined, thank you all for showing immense kindness,
> patience, dedication, organization and guidance to the students, the
> other mentors in our GCI community, and to me and the rest of our
> team over the years. 
> These past 10 years of Google Code-in have been an exciting,
> adrenaline pumping adventure – thanks for coming along on the ride
> with us! 
> We will continue to be dedicated to helping open source communities
> be sustainable and finding new contributors is an essential part of
> those efforts. While Google Code-in is now officially retired, we
> look forward to finding new ways to support your communities. 
> Best,
> Stephanie Taylor
> GCI Program Lead
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IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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