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Yang berlaku umum rasanya seperti berikut ini:
Lambert B. (2003). Micropaleontological investigations
in the modern Mahakam delta, East Kalimantan
March, 14, 2003.

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--- PUTROHARI Rovicky
> Aku pikir ini sebuah paper bagus ... tambahan
> referensi buat para pecinta 
> paleontologi dan mahakam explorer, 
> Confidential ?? ah bukan ... paper ini "sudah
> online" sejak minggu lalu 
> ... masih anget ...:-D
> silahkan donlod kumplit dengan gambar berwarna : 
> atau
> http://imbi.uwc.ac.za/cg/CG2003_A02_BL/index.html 
> ==== start quote ==
> Fig. 1: Pseudorotalia conoides (ORBIGNY) 1826
> Fig. 1a: umbilical view
> Fig. 1b: profile view
> Fig. 1c: spiral view
> ==== ah jadi inget ngulik-ulik "kutu air" nih ====
> yg menarik lainnya .... cara mensitir dokumen online
> (kenapa tanpa url ya) 
> --> ada dibawah ...
> hef e nais whik en ..
> "masih mencari lowstand reservoir, nih ;-("
> ==========
> Micropaleontological investigations in the modern
> Mahakam delta, East 
> Kalimantan (Indonesia)
> Bernard Lambert
> Total Fina Elf, DGEP/GSR/PN, Tour Coupole, 2 Place
> de Coupole, La Défense 
> 6 - Cédex 4, 92078 Paris La Défense (France)
> Manuscript online since March 8, 2003
> Abstract
>  The Mahakam delta is a mixed, fluvial and wave
> dominated delta located in 
> the eastern part of the island of Borneo (the East
> Kalimantan province of 
> Indonesia). The distribution of benthic fauna in
> this delta system is 
> influenced by the combined or antagonistic action of
> three main 
> parameters: fluvial input of fresh water and
> sediment, tide, and a strong 
> regional north to south drift current. A model of
> the present-day faunal 
> distribution has been established taking into
> account the perturbations 
> induced by the tide and by the regional drift
> current. This model has been 
> extrapolated into the recent past through the study
> of shallow cores that 
> permit the reconstruction of late Holocene deltaic
> regression patterns. 
> Key Words
> Indonesia, Kalimantan, Mahakam Delta, fluvial input,
> tide, drift current, 
> benthonic Foraminifera, biofacies, distribution
> pattern. 
> Citation
> Lambert B. (2003).- Micropaleontological
> investigations in the modern 
> Mahakam delta, East Kalimantan (Indonesia).- Carnets
> de Géologie / 
> Notebooks on Geology, Maintenon, Article 2003/02
> (CG2003_A02_BL) 
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Komisi Sertifikasi : M. Suryowibowo([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi OTODA : Ridwan Djamaluddin([EMAIL PROTECTED] atau [EMAIL PROTECTED]), Arif 
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Komisi Database Geologi : Aria A. Mulhadiono([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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