Berikut berita KM (Knowledge Management) di ChevronTexaco diambil dr The Resource for Information Executives edisi maret 2003 kemaren.
intinya --> "Share your knowledge"

Menurut aku .... Handicap yang sering dihadapi adalah -> kata-kata
"confidentiality", siapa yg berhak menentukan bahwa knowledge/data itu
boleh di'share' atau tidak, baik utk sesama pegawai yg berbeda team,
divisi atau asset, atau bahkan dengan sesama profesi tetapi beda
perusahaan, apakah Corporate (management) atau employee (pegawai) yg
paling pas utk menentukan confidentiality ? Berpikir "open mind" juga
tidak mudah, mau memberi dan mau menerima-pun perlu usaha.
Jiwa persaingan serta keinginan kerja sama sering tidak sejalan.

ChevronTexaco's Soft Sell
Oil field professionals discover the beauties of KM technology for

In the dawning days of the petroleum industry, managing an oil field was primarily an exercise in brute force and muscle power. That's not the case today, where making the most of an oil field is a knowledge-intensive affair involving expertise in engineering, earth science and facilities maintenance. At ChevronTexaco, software is helping the company improve how its teams of employees manage the assets in oil fields by enabling employees in multiple disciplines to easily access and share the data they need to make decisions.

In the process of implementing KM technology, ChevronTexaco has hit upon a successful strategy: To let the technology sell itself rather than dictate its use. KM experts say the best way to promote adoption of a new technology is to let employees see it in action and discover how they themselves can use it to do their own jobs better, but organizations often lack the patience to let this happen.

At ChevronTexaco, teams composed of 10 to 30 people are charged with
managing the assets?the drilling equipment, pipelines, facilities and the like?for a particular oil field. Within each team, earth scientists and various engineers with expertise in production, reservoir and facilities work together to keep the oil field up and running. Each member of the asset team needs to communicate with other members in order to make decisions?decisions that are based on the collection and analysis of huge amounts of data from the various disciplines. "One challenge for team members is accessing the data that's outside of their sphere of expertise and merging it with their own data," says Mark Ruths, the technology deployment coordinator for ChevronTexaco Energy Research and Technology Co. (ERTC), in Houston. The end goal, he adds, is analyzing data faster and more completely.

For example, earth scientists generate their own data for their high-end applications. But to get the other relevant data regarding production, reservoir and facilities, they have to ask other team members for it. "A lot of the data is accessible in databases, but not at the push of a button," Ruths says. A second challenge is analyzing the large quantities of data generated.

But, beginning in 2000, Chevron and Texaco have independently piloted
Spotfire's DecisionSite software in a variety of areas to change the
cumbersome ways of the past. In 2001, ERTC began jointly developing
DecisionSite modules specifically for reservoir analysis for use by
individual asset teams. DecisionSite for Reservoir Analysis (DSRA) is the first product of this joint development. It allows asset team members from any discipline to access relevant data, merge it and then display it visually. "Sifting through this avalanche of data can be done more quickly and effectively when visualizations of the data are created and interactively manipulated," Ruths says. Team members can interactively analyze many interrelationships within the data, see multiple views of data and perform what-if scenarios on the fly, increasing the speed of the decision making process.

"Asset teams now have the ability to access information at the press of a button," says Steve Sciamanna, the technology commercialization manager at ERTC in Richmond, Calif. In addition, he says, individual team members can look at any data from the perspective of their own discipline, something, which has certainly smoothed adoption of the software. "We have a lot of users who are very intrigued and are evaluating the software now," adds Sciamanna.

When it comes to promoting use of the software, ChevronTexaco's approach is decidedly organic. "The best way to sell this technology is for a person to see a colleague using it effectively," says Ruths. "Our plan is to spread its use quickly by showing it to people and letting them decide whether it's useful for their job." A few asset teams are currently evaluating the DSRA software. There are approximately 400 asset team members who could potentially use it.

While both Ruths and Sciamanna say use of the software can save money by enabling quicker problem solving, ultimately success will be measured by the number of users who integrate it into their jobs. "As [use of] it grows organically, it becomes part of the work process," says Sciamanna. Right now that's the main benefit that ChevronTexaco is looking for.

Opinion Editor Megan Santosus can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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