Opening Address to the 125th Extraordinary Meeting of the OPEC Conference

His Excellency Abdullah Bin Hamad Al-Attiyah
President of the Conference
Minister of Energy and Industry, State of Qatar

Wednesday 11 June 2003
Doha- Qatar

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful,
The Most Compassionate

Your Highness Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa AL-Thani, Emir of the State of

Distinguished Guests and Delegates,
Ladies and gentlemen,

It is an honor ? and a pleasure ? to welcome you to the State of Qatar, and
to host the 125th Extraordinary Meeting of the OPEC Conference. I would
also wish to thank His Highness, Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, the
Emir of the State of Qatar, who is deeply committed to OPEC, for honoring
us by his presence and his opening speech with his vision of the mission of
OPEC and its obligations in today's changing world.

Even though the State of Qatar was the first non founder member to join
OPEC, after its foundation ? this is only the third occasion on which we
have had the pleasure of hosting an OPEC Conference; the previous two
occasions were in 1969 and 1976 .

Your presence in Doha on this occasion further underlines our country's
solidarity with OPEC's objectives, decisions and actions.

However, before beginning this Meeting, I should first like to offer our
deepest condolence to the Government and the people of Algeria, for the
terrible suffering they have endured, as a result of the earth quake that
hit the country in the middle of last month. Our thoughts and prayers are
with them.

The purpose of today's Extraordinary Meeting is to monitor developments in
the oil market at the half-way point between our two scheduled Ordinary
Meetings of March and September. We shall review our decision taken in our
Meeting of 24 April, to reduce OPEC-10's actual production by two million
barrels a day from the levels that prevailed during the events in Iraq,
when oil producers increased output, so as to assure consumers of steady
supplies of crude during that period.

The fact that the cuts came into force on June 1, just ten days ago means
that they have had little time to work their way through the market's
supply/demand balance even though, their influence on the psychology of the
market was noticed much earlier.

We have seen this reflected in the oil price trends, which have
strengthened over the past months and the market is settling down again. We
are still faced with uncertainty in several key areas, however.

The pace and the extent of the return of Iraqi crude to the market remain
unclear at the present time, as this country, with its proud OPEC heritage,
seeks to re-establish itself on the world energy stage.

Oil inventories in industrialized countries are relatively tight for this
time of year. This may serve to support oil prices in the coming months.

The falling value of the U.S dollar ? particularly against the euro ? is a
matter of concern to the global economy, as well as its negative effects on
the purchasing power of our revenues.

Therefore, while some elements are relatively clearer than when we last met
in April, there are still many questions to be answered about the outlook
for the oil market during the second half of this year.

We will have to examine all the relevant issues to determine whether there
is a need for a review of production levels.

We welcome to this Meeting observers from many leading non-OPEC
oil-exporting nations, who have so often in the past been supportive to our
efforts towards a stable and fair market. Angola, Oman, Mexico, Russia and
Syria. Their presence emphasizes once again the need for the cooperation of
all parties in the petroleum industry ? including consumers ? if we are to
achieve order and stability.

Harmony and understanding should prevail at all times in the oil market, to
help it meet the energy needs of all nations ? in a world that is
increasingly aware of the importance of stable and secure energy supplies
to the process of sustainable development.

I would like to conclude my comments by saying that the State of Qatar is
proud to have played a part in the remarkable success of OPEC over the past
four decades and that we pledge to maintain this high level of commitment.

Finally, allow me to convey on your behalf our sincere thanks and gratitude
to His Highness the Emir for his gracious presence to our meeting

Wishing you all a very pleasant stay in Qatar and for our meetings every

Peace Be Upon You


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