Ini peluang bisnis bagi yg berani berpikir ke depan. Sekedar info, daerah
Pangkalan Kerinci adalah ibukota Kab. Pelalawan. Makanya kalau bisa kita
sekarang mulai invest di sana.... he3x

"argo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 06/23/2003 02:26:03 PM

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cc:    (bcc: Fajar Wisaksono/MAX)

Subject:  [iagi-net-l] PIR to exploit gas in Pelalawan on July 15

Gas exploration in sub district of Langgam in the regency of Pelalawan
in Riau has been conducted. On July 15 a project of gas-fired power
plant with capacity of 150 MW will likely start. PT Pemberdayaan
Investasi Rakyat (PIR) following an agreement between investor and local
government (Pemda) will conduct the project.

"It should have been conducted in April 2003, but it had to be postponed
because of revision on some points under the draft agreement. But all
things have been agreed by both investors and the Pemda," said the
division head of promotion and investment (BPI) of Riau Ir Herlian Saleh
to journalists on June 18.

As quoted from Suara Merdeka of Semarang, the investor said that the
project could be realized on July 15. PT PIR will handle the project
mechanism together with project contractors.

Over the PLTG project PT PIR will own 30 percent of the shares, PT PLN
Batam 21 percent, and the remaining 49 percent goes to PT Rolls Royce.
The project is totally worth Rp160 billion. *
sumber :

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