memang nya ini project pribadi Pak Baihaki ?

From: "Rovicky Dwi Putrohari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Indonesia Pertamina To Start Iraq Oil Exploration In Oct
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 16:35:15 +0700

Setelah Pak Baihaki diganti, project ini masih jalan ndak ya ?
Gut lak


Friday September 5, 2003 3:52 PM
Indonesia Pertamina To Start Iraq Oil Exploration In Oct

JAKARTA (Dow Jones)--Indonesia national oil and gas company Pertamina (P.PTM) plans to begin oil and gas exploration in Iraq next month, investing around $24 million in the first three years, an official with the company said Friday.
Pertamina has an option to extend its exploration activities by another two years with a further $16 million investment if it fails to complete the work in the first three years, company President Director Baihaki Hakim told reporters.
Iraqs former government awarded the Western Desert block, which is estimated to have 3 million barrels of crude oil, to Pertamina last year.
The U.S.-led military invasion into Iraq that toppled Sadam Husein delayed Pertamina plan to start exploration in the country in March.
Baihaki said Pertamina is also keen to explore for oil in the Tuba Block, which is estimated to hold larger oil reserves than the Western Desert Block.

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