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Paling lambat 17 Oktober 2003

>From :

Date :
Tue, 7 Oct 2003 09:57:52 GMT
To :
Subject :
[Geologi UGM] Lowongan Petrologist

Rekan-2x yth,

di tempat saya ada lowongan untuk posisi petrologist. mungkin ada yg 
tertarik & semoga bermanfaat, terutama yg fresh graduate:
Posting date: October 7, 2003

Job Vacancy
PT Corelab Indonesia is currently looking for qualified person (male or 
female) to fill the following position:

Petrologist (P-1003)

Required qualification:
S1 in Geology (specialty in Petrology or Petrography) with minimum GPA is 
2.75 (out of 4 scale)
A good understanding of written and spoken English
Basic computer skill (MS Office and at least one drawing program)
Fresh graduate are welcome to apply, but preferable has experience in thin 
section petrography

If you feel you meet the criteria and wish to apply, send your C.V., with 
covering letter, and passport sized photograph within 10 days after this 
advertisement to:

The Human Resources Officer
PO Box 7507
JKS CCE 12075

Indicate the code on top left side of the envelope.
No inquiry by Phone calls or email
Sachrul Iswahyudi
ICQ#: 280261494
YM ID: sachrulplus

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Komisi OTODA : Ridwan Djamaluddin([EMAIL PROTECTED] atau [EMAIL PROTECTED]), Arif 
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Komisi Database Geologi : Aria A. Mulhadiono([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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