Sepertinya Pemerintah RI belum "menasionalkan" kebijakan serupa ya, padahal
BPPT kelihatannya udah memakai Biodiesel ini sejak lama untuk mobil-2
antar-jemput karyawan.



Malaysia will switch to bio-diesel next year - one year ahead of schedule -
with government vehicles slated to start using the palm oil-laced fuel to
cushion the impact of rising fuel prices, a news report said Wednesday.

Diesel-powered vehicles belonging to the ministries of transport, defense
and plantations, industries and commodities, will begin using bio-diesel
next year before the alternative fuel is introduced to the public, the Star
cited Peter Chin, a minister as saying.

The government had planned to start using bio-diesel only in 2007, "but
because our plans are going very well, it seems that we can start way ahead
of schedule," Chin, the plantations, industries and commodities minister,
told the daily.

Chin said the government expected to save "hundreds of millions of ringgit"
through cutbacks in oil subsidies by convincing Malaysians to switch to
bio-diesel, a mixture of 5% palm oil and 95% diesel. Chin said eventually
bio-diesel will have 20% palm oil and 80% diesel.

Malaysia imports most of its diesel fuel, but it's the world's biggest
producer of palm oil. The government says that adding palm oil to diesel
fuel would reduce consumption by about 418,000 liters a year.

Industries used 2.8 billion liters of diesel last year, while others who
qualified for subsidized diesel, like public transport operators, consumed
5.56 billion liters.

The government has said it cannot maintain the subsidies, which keep
gasoline prices in Malaysia among the lowest in the region.

Palm oil is used mostly for cooking, but plantation owners sometimes use a
mix of palm oil and diesel fuel to power their tractors and trucks, and many
say it doesn't affect the performance of the vehicles.

Source : Dow Jones 16 Nov 2005

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