Pak Shofi,

Setahu saya  di daerah Congo dan Angola   (dan juga belahannya di america
selatan bagian timur : misalnya Campos basin di Brazil), mempunyai bidang
luncur (decolement surface)  yang sama yaitu lapisan garam yang 'tumbuh
disana' setelah rifting pada cretace inferieur ....orang orang  menyebut
structur yang tergelincir disana  rado alias raft alias rakit ...
Si salt ini  selain jadi bidang gelincir memang suka naik keatas jelas
kelihatan diseismic ...
Setahu saya lagi kalau di daerah Nigeria  bidang gelincirnya berupa shale
dan setahu saya shale ini ada dibawah dan tidak kelihatan naik naik
diseismiknya menjadi mud volcano ..... tapi saya itu cuma kerja disatu blok
kok di africa barat jadi mestinya nggak tahu banyak ......
Mudah mudahan ada yang bisa cerita banyak ....


|         |           Shofiyuddin      |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         | >           |
|         |                            |
|         |           19/01/2006 03:30 |
|         |           PM               |
|         |           Please respond to|
|         |           iagi-net         |
|         |                            |
  |       To:                                         
  |       cc:                                                                   
  |       Subject:  Re: [iagi-net-l] Need info : Mud Volcano                    

Mas Minarwan dan rekan, terima kasih untuk infonya. Sumur yang sedang
drilling ada di basin Caspian sea and akhir tahun drilling di offshore
Oh ya, dari penampang seismic, ketinggiannya bisa mencapai ribuan meter dan
pelemparan sampai puluhan kilometer.
sekali lagi, terima kasih.

On 1/19/06, Minarwan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mas Shofi, hasil bertanya kepada Google:
> Mud Volcanoes, Shale Diapirs, and Fluid Systems:
> Making Mud Pies on a Grand Scale
> Lesli J. Wood
> Mud volcanoes are explosive "mud mounds" that sometimes reach several
> tens of kilometers in diameter and can be hundreds of meters high.
> They are found principally in convergent-margin settings around the
> world. These settings are most commonly areas of rapid sedimentation,
> lateral tectonics, or geologically recent magmatic activity. Although
> thousands of mud volcanoes have been documented in both subaerial and
> submarine settings, it is likely that hundreds of thousands exist. In
> the larger picture, mud volcanoes are only a single component; they
> are the pressure release valves, if you will, of the larger systems
> that lie at depth: mobile shale basins. Mobile shale basins occur
> throughout the world. Some examples are the North Sea, the Caspian
> Sea, offshore Morocco, Niger Delta, Mackenzie Delta, the Barbados
> Accretionary Prism, offshore Trinidad, New Zealand, Borneo, Venezuela,
> onshore Texas, and the Gulf of Mexico. Mobile shale basins may be
> characterized by buried diapirs, shale walls, and deep mobile shale
> bodies that exhibit no explosive nature.
> Mobile shales have their own internal means of propulsion. When shale
> burial depths reach certain diagenetic transition zones, such as the
> montmorillonite to illite transition limit (approximately 100 degrees
> C) the result is expulsion of lattice-locked water and rise of fluid
> pressure in the shales. Fluid increase can also happen due to thermal
> expansion of pore fluids or hydrogen gas generation during subsidence.
> Active tectonic movement can not only destabilize fluidized shales but
> can also compress deep shales with an explosive result similar to
> squeezing a mud pie in both hands. These systems, unlike salt, can go
> through long periods of dormancy while their fluids "recharge" until
> another phase of migration occurs.
> Mud volcanoes and shale diapirs are erratic phenomena that influence
> fluvial, coastal, and marine sedimentation in complex ways. Shale
> mobility rise or subsidence can cause changes in base level, and
> uplifts can alter river courses and affect upstream and downstream
> sediment types, avulsion histories, channel pattern, and channel
> locations. Deltaic systems prograde around uplifted diapirs and
> volcanoes and often dump significant sediment loads due to these local
> changes in accommodation space and base level. Volcanoes and diapir
> activities in the offshore environment likely have a similar effect on
> shelfedge, slope, and deep marine depositional systems, although the
> effect of active tectonics on these marine systems is poorly
> understood. Mud volcano fields are often associated with gas hydrate
> development in deep marine environments. The combination of eruptive
> seafloor volcanoes and easily destabilized frozen methane (gas
> hydrate) in the shallow seafloor create the potential for explosive
> submarine landslides, methane release into the oceans and atmosphere,
> tsunamis, and both offshore and onshore infrastructure destruction.
> Lalu ada lagi bahan kuliah tentang Mud Volcano/Shale Diapir (bukan
> Salt Diapir) dari Institut Teknologi Trinidad & Tobago:
> Sedangkan mengenai salt diapir (yang setahu saya tidak sama dengan mud
> volcano atau shale diapir), mungkin bisa dicari juga di Google.
> Min
> On 1/19/06, Shofiyuddin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Matur nuwun mas,
> > kalo mau pesen di siapa ya? ada yang mau bantu? Kebetulan sekarang lagi
> > monitor untuk sumur sumur di pantai barat afrika juga mid afrika, deket
> > deket bekas jajahannya sovyet dulu, yang kayaknya drilling cukup worry
> > mengingat beberapa rig blow out gara gara menembus lapisan yang diduga
> > sebagai mud volcano atawa salt diapir.
> > Aku tunggu khabarnya. Mudah mudahan ada yang mau bantu aku, mas
> > tolong dong.
> >
> > Salam
> >
> > Shofi
> --
> Minarwan
> Skype me: minarwan
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Salam hangat


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