Terima kasih atas kiriman jadwal pelatihannya, pasti sangat menarik dan

Terlepas dari materi pelatihannya, saya hanya ingin mengomentari pemakaian
istilah ITB dalam bahasa Inggris yang dipakai dalam surat elektronik ini,
yaitu  *"Bandung Institute of Technology*" atau *"Institute of Technology
Bandung"*. Alangkah lebih baik kalau pemakaiannya satu versi yang resmi
saja, sehingga tak membuat bingung (ada 'bule' yang mempertanyakannya:
apakah ini lembaga yang sama atau beda ?)

Hal lainnya adalah alangkah baiknya kalau surat elektronik dibuat dalam
format "plain-text" atau ASCII murni saja, kemudian baru dirapikan
spasi/paragrafnya, agar tak terlihat terlalu padat seperti di bawah.

Hal berikutnya adalah juga akan terlihat lebih professional apabila email "*
[EMAIL PROTECTED]" memiliki nickname/julukan sendiri misalnya "*Program
Pasca Sarjana ITB*" atau apa pun, sehingga yang muncul di bagian si pengirim
adalah nama julukan itu, karena ada beberapa program penyaring e-mail
perusahaan yang mengkategorikannya sebagai spam, misalnya saat
mem-forward-kan kembali isi email tadi.

Terima kasih,


On Feb 11, 2008 10:35 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Bandung, 21 January 2008
> To Whom It May Concern:
> Dear Sir / Madame,
> Faculty  of  Mining  &  Petroleum Engineering - Bandung Institute of
> Technology (FTTM-ITB)  will conduct a short course entitle "FUNDAMENTALS
> DEVELOPMENTS" in Bandung from March 10 to 14, 2008. The course will be
> taught by Dr. Sigit Sukmono - Institute of Technology Bandung.
> In this rigorous 5-days course, participants learn and apply fundamentals
> seismic interpretation techniques to analyze various seismic profiles
> representing a variety of rock types, stratigraphy, structural styles,
> tectonic settings and hydrocarbon plays. The class is started with the
> discussion on the basic seismic interpretation techniques like
> polarity-phase determination, wellseismic tie, lithology and hydrocarbon
> signatures recognition. The basic techniques are then applied for more
> detail analysis of geologic structures, facies, system-tracts and basin
> evolution, each in the context of field exploration and developments. The
> analysis of 3D seismic data is also discussed intensively especially on
> the application of 3D seismic attributes in field exploration and
> developments. Overview of advance seismic inversion techniques for
> lithology, facies and fluid analysis is discussed in the last day. The
> Course comprises of approximately 40% theory and 60% problem-sets. The
> problem-set packages cover cases from Indonesia as well as from overseas.
> The course will provide strong knowledge basis if the participants want to
> pursue further application of advance seismic techniques for lithology,
> facies, stratigraphy, structure and fluid analysis as required in detail
> field exploration and developments works.
> Dr. Sigit Sukmono has a MSc from Asian Institute of Technology and DR in
> Applied Geophysics from Institute of Technology Bandung. His main
> expertise is in the field of petroleum geophysics. Currently he works as
> an Associate Professor in Petroleum Geophysics, Institute of Technology
> Bandung. In the last 5 years he has been managing and involved in more
> than 50 GGR (Geology, Geophysics and Reservoir) studies for major oil
> companies. In the last 5 years he has been also teaching more than 50
> seismic reservoir classes for oil community in various locations in the
> world (Tokyo, Moscow, Bangkok, Palma-Spain, Dubai, Abu-Dhabi, Cairo, Hong
> Kong, Beijing, Kuala Lumpur, Mumbai, Luanda, Nigeria, Tripoli,
> Saudi-Aramco, Bali, Jakarta, etc). He is a Member of Society of
> Exploration Geophysicists, American Association of Petroleum Geologists,
> Indonesian Petroleum Association, Indonesian Association of Geophysicists
> and Indonesian Association of Geologists. He was awarded Best Research
> Award by Minister of Research & Technology in 2002 and by Toray Science
> and Technology Foundation in 1988, and International Scientific
> Publication Award from the Minister of Education and Culture in Indonesia
> in 1988.
> This course is designed for geologists, geophysicists and petroleum
> engineers who wish to get a thorough understanding on the practical
> application of fundamental seismic techniques in field exploration and
> developments. Course fee is Rp.10.000.000,- (ten millions rupiah) per
> participant, includes course fee & materials, working lunches and
> refreshments.
> We would be very grateful if you could pass this information to your
> staffs or colleagues who may get benefit from this program.
> For further information and complete brochure on this Course please
> contact:
>        Mrs. July KT,
>        Unit Kerja Sama FTTM-ITB, Basic Science Center-B 4th Floor,
>        Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132,
>        Phone / Fax : (62-22) 2500047,
>        Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> My best regards,
> Prof. Dr. Ir. Sudarto Notosiswoyo, M.Eng
> Dean of Faculty of Mining & Petroleum Engineering
> Bandung Institute of Technology
> Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40133

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