FYI, masih anget, langsung saya kirimkan ke milis tercinta utk diketahui 
bersama. Tampaknya rekan kita "Noor Aryanto" mengirimkan email serup kepada 
beberapa atau banyak orang.

Kelihatannya modus operandi penipuan ini mewabah ya. Kalo lihat bahasanya, 
bukan orang melayu ya...

@ Kuta, Bali (siapa tahu, lain kali ada yg menyabot imil saya)

Mohammad Syaiful
* handphone: +62-812-9372808
* business:

-----Original Message-----
From: noor aryanto <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2010 03:21:31 
To: undisclosed recipients: ;<Invalid address>
Subject: I hope you receive this message on time?

This is quite shameful, but I just have to let you know my situation right now 
and I am really hoping you will help. I am writing you this message from a 
library in Edinburgh, Scotland. Something very dreadful,awful and annoying 
happened to me. I am sorry I didn't inform you about my trip to SCOTLAND for a 
program. I was robbed at gun point on my way to the hotel by some hooligans and 
they made away with my bag and other valuables. My passport is intact and safe 
because the Hotel Management seized it because I owe them and other belongings 
are been retained by the hotel management as well pending the time I pay my 
Hotel bills. I need to pay the hotel bills and get back home. I was escorted by 
the hotel security to Municipal Library so i can send this email.
I need you to Loan me £1,500 GBP (Pounds Sterling) to pay my hotel bills and 
get myself back home. I will repay you as soon as i get back home. I will 
appreciate whatever you can assist me with. My cellphone was stolen as well, 
i'm on my way  to the Metropolitan police now to give a report, let me know 
what you can do for me at this time. My situation here is really critical, just 
like all hell has broken lose against me. I'm confiding in you please. I need 
your assistance. I promise to pay you back as soon as i am back home.
Sincere Regards,
Noor Aryanto

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